Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Goes to North Carolina

DIDC 101 is heading to Wilson and Raleigh, North Carolina in two weeks. So in preparation for my trip I decided to do a little research.

I'll talk about Wilson. I've been to Raleigh and it offered a diverse array of things to do day and night, so I'm cool when I hit Raleigh. Wilson, I'm not so sure about. So I Googled  "Night Life" in Wilson. It netted me three results, that's right, I said three:

*Bodywork, Etc
It's a gym. 
Not my idea of a night life spot, although a few hours there could do a body good. 
So the plus side is that you can work out and meet physically fit individuals at the same time. 
Maybe even share a power drink and a power bar. Nothing says sexy like sweaty.

*Buck's Western Saloon
Located this "HOT" spot on Yelp. There wasn't much info there. 
But here is the 411 on Buck's
No website for the actual saloon
No hours of operation
They have a DJ
No Happy Hour
No Customer Reviews
You can probably meet some local regulars or at least introduce yourself to the staff and set up post at the bar.
After a few drinks, it might just be the night life spot you've been looking for.

*Carolina Billiards
Again, found this spot on Yelp
It didn't have it's own website
It is located on Airport Boulevard, so that got me thinking. I didn't know Wilson had an airport.
The closest airport to Wilson is Pitt-Greenville, not sure where the heck that is.
Shooting pool can be fun. 
In the movies there is always some handsome guy behind you instructing you on how to hold
your pool stick. Why should Wilson be any different from the movies?

I can't wait to hit the road and see what adventures cross my path. And I will be sharing them all with you.

Smooches, and Happy Dating!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Physical Examination Required

Gone are the days when we give a person the once over by checking their teeth, their ears, and under their finger nails before we decide if they get the green light to enter our intimate space.

Gone are the days when we have a not so comfortable conversation about their and our own sexual history, where we both tell lies, and then follow with chuckles and giggles just before we become intimate.

We are more aware now, more knowledgeable, and faced with more than a fleeting notion that choosing the wrong partner could lead to disastrous results. It's not just STDs, it's high cholesterol, high blood pressure, low testosterone, too much estrogen, the list is endless. And don't forget about mental health.

So where do you stand? Is a physical examination required? And how might you check out if the roles are reversed?

Smooches, and Safe and Healthy Dating!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ The Blizzard Is Coming!

Be Still My Beating Heart

The Blizzard is coming you say. Please don't toy with my emotions. I've been waiting for this moment for two winters. Just the thought of it makes me all warm and cuddly inside.

"Why?" you ask. Aw, the beauty of white snow falling against the moonlight. Absolutely regal and romantic. So pure, so cleansing, so fairytale like. 

But my true love for the blizzard stems from the possibility of a "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN." The words make my heart sing. Not "Unscheduled Leave," but an actual shut down. Who can't appreciate that?

So in preparation I've made a big pot of spaghetti (one of my many comfort foods), bought a bottle of Malbec, and settled in with my love "Sebastian." Oh, I've never mentioned him. Well he's my confidant, my friend, my protector, and sometimes wrecks my last nerve; he's my PomChi puppy.

Well, whatever your plans are you better get to them. There are only a few hours left before the flakes from Heaven come pouring down upon the masses.

So either nudge that unwanted guest towards the door, or call someone special over to warm your soul, but whatever you decide to do, ENJOY and be safe.

Smooches and Happy Dating!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Dating In DC 101 - "Iyanla Fix My Life" the Relationship Episode

I was so excited to see that Iyanla was back for a new season or at least another episode. For me, it is the best show on Oprah's network. I watched it faithfully and jotted helpful notes in my journal that I could apply to my everyday life.

I set my DVR, got my journal out and sat glued to my T.V. I heard what she was saying and understood it, but at the end of the program I was still at a lost as to what real life actions women can take to find an appropriate mate.

We know that we should love ourselves, not be afraid of intimacy, and should stop doubting that we will ever find the love we desire and deserve. We've heard this on every talk show, read it in every book and magazine article on finding love, and even from our single girl-friends. So now what?

Her homework to the single women who wants to be in a relationship was to smile and speak to every man you see for the next seven days. And if he should follow you for a follow-up conversation then give him your number. I'm pretty sure that she didn't mean that literally, after all in a day we pass the crazy, the homeless, the perverted and the weird. I sure don't want them following me or you for a "Follow-Up" conversation.

I think my homework is a little more realistic; every man that you see ask yourself "Would I be excited to see him come through my door?" And if the answer is "Yes" then give him a smile and a hello. If he pursues you then at least he will be someone you can picture yourself with down the road.

I know this seems superficial but at the end of the day we are driven by our senses, and the sense of sight is one that can't be ignored. But don't fall in to the trap that if it looks good it is good. Remember everything that glitters isn't gold, but now you have someone in your sights that you don't mind looking at.

Smooches, and Happy Dating!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Helicopter Flying Lessons

Let Your Heart Soar

Sometimes you have to try new things to develop new relationships and meet new people. What better way than helicopter lessons for beginners.

When:      Saturday, March 2, 2013
Where:     10503 Wakeman Drive, Manasas, VA
Time:        9:00A - 3:00P
Cost:        $159.00

You spend 30 minutes in the helicopter with a certified instructor after a 45 minute tutorial. And you get to take control of the helicopter if you dare.

Get off the couch in to the pilot's seat.

Smooches, and Happy Dating!