Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ "What Men Want"

Hello stranger. Oh, it was me who disappeared on you. You know how it is; life, vacation, work, and did I say life? Well that's no excuse for deserting a friend. My apologies, but I'm back baby!

So where did we leave off? We were checking out the book "What Men Want" and we were up to Chapter 5, "The First Date", Part II. Wow, this is one long chapter. In Chapter 5 our three bachelors talked about the dream date, the nightmare date and where to go.

Now we are ready for:

Chapter 5 ~ "The First Date" Part III

Go With the Flow

He suggest somewhere or something that you really aren't interested in doing, but our bachelors suggest just going with the flow. So what if it is a work night or past your self-appointed bedtime, you can DVR that episode of Jeopardy you've seen 100 times. If all goes well on that first date, you can negotiate the place and time of the second one.

If you have to end the date early let him know you had a great time, and you'd like to see him again. If you had a terrible time, go to the ladies room and disappear (just kidding). But I'm sure he can sense when there will be no follow-up date.

Now it's time to pay the piper, I mean the waiter. 

Who Pays?

If he asks you out on the first date then definitely he should pay. Check him out by offering to contribute to the bill, if he accepts, put him on the "Not Going To See Him Again" list.

If it's a full night of dinner, drinks, cabs, coffee, then offer to buy a round of drinks or pay for the coffee. Just take care of it discreetly and he will appreciate the gesture. Casually mention as he reaches yet again for his wallet, "I took care of this round." 

A Second Date?

If he asks about a second date he is interested in you, so be prepared. Don't act coy and uninterested if you aren't coy and uninterested. If you like him let him know.

"I'll Call You"

If he barely slows the care down to drop you off and yells "I'll call you" from the moving car, don't expect him to. He's already deleting your number from his cell at the next stop sign.

Ignore it, don't analyze it, just know he ain't calling and move on.

There are those who are just serial first daters, sometimes those first dates can turn in to long lasting relationships.

Smooches & Happy Dating!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ "What Men Want"

Chapter 5 ~ "The First Date" Part II

Now remember these are words from the mouths of three New York male professionals: A lawyer, a surgeon, and a CPA. Agree with them or not, this is their perspective and I'm just sharing their insight with you. So let's finish where we left off, "The First Date".

Where to Go

  • If he takes the initiative to plan the date, then go for it, unless it is dangerous or truly crazy. He doesn't want to spend time agonizing over the details of where to go and what to do only to be shot down by you.
"You want to go there? That place is terrible. I wouldn't take my dog there!"

  • Men typically like cozy, intimate, unpretentious places for first dates. Nothing says "Good First Date" like a good piano bar.
Fortunately for us in the Nation's Capital we have so many great places to choose from.
Piano Bars
Cigar Bars (well not so much, but I like them)
Poetry Readings
All good choices

  • If he chooses a movie as a first date, he is either shy, dating challenged, or doesn't want to be seen in public with you. And you have to discern which one of these issues is the real reason you're sitting in a dark theater, with a bucket of greasy popcorn on your lap and a gynormous coke in the cup holder.
Hopefully it is a movie you really want to see, 
just take a nap. 
You don't have to worry about snoring, no one can hear you, 
not even your date.

  • Museums and art exhibits are excellent choices too. He has some culture and wants to get to know you better. Hopefully he will let you know in advance so that you can do a little research on what artist is being featured or the history of the stone that is being previewed. If he surprises you, then asks questions, men love to think they are teaching you a thing or two.

Chapter 5 is a long one so there is more to come. Stay tuned and

Smooches and Happy Dating!

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.com

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Just Saying ~ Green Coffee Bean Extract

Hello, I'm so glad you dropped by. Some of you have been here before trying to get some insight on the wonders of the amazing "Green Coffee Bean Extract".

Well, some time ago I took the extract for about a month without any great results to report and decided it didn't work and put them on the medicine cabinet shelf.

And then recently, during a trip to Raleigh, North Carolina my girlfriend's mom started the "Green Coffee Bean" chatter. Her waist was smaller, she was losing weight, she felt young again. Hell, I was waiting for her to say she was leaping tall buildings in a single bound. With that kind of testimony how could I resist giving them another try?

When I got home from that trip, I went straight to the medicine cabinet, grabbed the bottle off the shelf and damn it, only two pills left. I needed to expedite burning all the fat I had stored during my trip to Raleigh.

I jumped in my car, and drove to Costco, (I'm sure you have similar warehouse clubs like Sam's or B.J.'s) and got my mega bottle of the extract. There was no way I was going to wait until the weekend. No frickin' way to start getting rid of that fat.

It's been about two months now and this is my assessment. I've lost a few pounds without really changing my eating habits or exercise routine. It doesn't appear that I've lost any inches, YET, but I am hopeful.

One thing I have realized is that even when I over eat on the weekends, jump on the scale Monday mornings and have gained two or three pounds they don't seem to stick. Within a day or two that weight is gone, where as in the past I really had to work at getting it off.

So I've decided at some point to add more exercise and better eating habits while on my "Green Coffee Bean" regimen and see where it takes me.

Until then, I'll be sipping on some homemade  Sangria.  Cheers!
Just Saying....