Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Friday, October 31, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All: November Schedule

Taylor Love Tells All: November Schedule: Can you believe it's November already? Well it is and here is what the "Taylor Love" team is doing in November on ListenVi...

November Schedule

Can you believe it's November already? Well it is and here is what the "Taylor Love" team is doing in November on ListenVisionLive.com and beyond:

  • Saturday November 1st, we're featuring "Taste Art Gallery" located on Georgia Avenue, NW. They've incorporated food, art and social consciousness in this quaint hidden treasure in Washington, DC. They host lots of inter-active events and showcase local artists.
  • Friday, November 7th, Wanda and I host our annual Scorpio Bash to celebrate our birthdays (Me, October 28th & Wanda, November 20th) and Scorpio Season. This year's party is being held at Bay Street Lounge in Lanham, MD from 7PM-Until. If you really know us, you know why we love Bay Street. Get in free before 8PM, we don't know what happens after that.
  • Saturday, November 8th, we honor our Vets in recognition of "Veterans' Day." Wanda was a military wife and I was active duty Air Force, so we share our experiences with our viewers. Thanks to all Vets and their family for their service!
  • Saturday, November 15th, we celebrate Scorpios. If you know a Scorpio or are one yourself you know how self-absorbed we can be. Make sure you tune it to see what makes us tick and who the famous Scorpios are, aside from Taylor and Wanda :)
  • Thursday, November 20th is Wanda's Birthday. Happy Birthday Wanda, my bestie and Scorpio Sister!
  • Saturday, November 22nd, "What Are You Thankful For?" other than a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Although it is something to give thanks for. 
  • Saturday, November 22nd, we are also thankful for Nellie;s on "U" Street for their Drag Queen Brunch. Yummy!
  • Saturday, November 29th, get your life with "Profile You." Embrace your authentic self.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Episode 62 ~ "Breast Cancer" & "Domestic Violence" Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness


Self-Exam, Mamograms, Eliminate Self-Imposed Risk Factors

Domestic Violence Awareness

*Know The Signs

Verbal, Emotional and Physical Abuse

Tune in every Saturday to the "Taylor Love" Show from 11AM - Noon (EST) on ListenVisionLive.com.

Missed an episode? No worries, go to our YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" and don't forget to subscribe.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Scorpio Season

Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah It's My Time Of Year!   Scorpio Season is Here!
The weather is gorgeous, cool and breezy. What could be better?

Me and my bestie Wanda celebrate the entire season from my birthday, October 28th through her birthday, November 20th. We've got the season covered.

She always says I'm the head and she's the tail.

Check out some Scorpio traits:

Looking at the list I find that most are true to form for me except "secretive" and "social" although most would disagree on the "social" trait.

If you're a Scorpio you understand where I'm coming from without us saying a word. We're just built like that. That's the "intuitive" part of being a Scorpio.

And most associate Scorpios with being hyper-sexual. Well I say to them if you are deserving you won't be disappointed.

Vengeful? Yes, we can be and you won't even see it coming. One day we are there the next day, Ghost...

In love with or dating a Scorpio? Don't play games, you will never win. But we are loving and loyal and brutally honest. So you want a take the ride?

Be careful what you ask for.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Addicted" Our Commentary

Wanda and I were so excited about going to see "Addicted," the movie based on the best-selling erotic novel by Zane.

Neither of us had read the book so we went with wide-eyed anticipation.

"Addicted" is the story of Zoe (Sharon Leal), a beautiful African-American woman who owns her own marketing company and is married to a handsome architect, Jason who is played by Boris Kodjoe. They have two perfect children and their life seems idyllic.

But Zoe's insatiable need and urge for sex sends her in to the arms of  Quinton Canosa (William Levy), a reclusive artist who falls for Zoe at first sight and signs with her marketing company. During their first meeting to go over the contract he seduces her and you know the rest of the story. Now she can't stop herself from seeing him even at the detriment of her family and her company.

But Quinton isn't enough, she trolls the night clubs and sees biker-boy Corey, played by Tyson Beckford. Yummy!

Zoe is spinning out of control and enlists the help of a therapist Tasha Smith. Her therapist implores her to get in touch with her past in an effort to understand her present situation. Of course Zoe does not or does not want to remember what brought her to this dark place, while continually rubbing a scar on her wrist.

As expected all her lives collide and her secret is uncovered by her husband and two lovers.

So what happens next? I guess you  have to see the movie...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Cheaters

Today's episode on the "Taylor Love" Show was about cheating. 

Cheating is the ultimate betrayal in a relationship. Some of us look inward and wonder what the other person does or have that we don't have. Some times we compare ourselves with the other person. But at the end of the day we just simply wonder why.

We may never know what causes a person to cheat, and if we are the cheater we may have a myriad of reasons we tell ourselves that what we are doing is okay.

At the end of the day it is all so complicated.

 If we've been cheated on we wonder will they do it again; can they be trusted? To that I say, base your decision on their actions: Are they where they say they are, do they answer their phone when you call, are they forthcoming with their comings and goings. As the cheater it seems as though you're checking in, your every move is scrutinized, and you have to account for every move and every moment. Well you are right. That's what happens when you're a cheater. You have to rebuild your significant others trust by being totally transparent. How long do you have to be subjected to this scrutiny? As long as it takes to make your significant other to feel comfortable and be able to trust again. And if the relationship is not important enough to do the work, then it's all moot.

If you're the cheater, you have some self analysis to do. Why are you cheating? What is lacking in you that causes you to look outside of the relationship. First you must realize that cheating is not about the other person but it is about you. Certainly you can be single and see who you want, when you want. Why haven't you chosen that option. Self-examination is key.

Once a Cheater, Always A Cheater?

It depends. Some people will be habitual cheaters, It's always the other person's fault that they stray. If your eyes are wide open you can see people for who they really are. "When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”  Maya Angelou.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Taylor Love Tels All ~ Episode 59 ~ The UpBreak

Breaking up can be difficult, but Tameca of the "UpBreak" talks about strategies to get you through it and the happiness on the other side.