Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Hey My Single Ladies!

Football season is a great time to meet eligible guys.  Here are some tips:

  • Check out your local sports bars on game night,
  • Wear an opposing teams jersey,
  • Ask football related questions, 
  • Host a football viewing party.

Whether you meet someone or not it's time to get off the sidelines and get in the game!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Couple of Days In the Life of Taylor Love

Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer. Check out what I did for a few days this summer.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Episode 90, Segment 3 "In Your Eyes"

Today's segment featured "Dike the ArtistIcon and Daymond D-Traveler."

To see all past episodes tune in to our Youtube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" and son't forget to subscribe!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Episode 89, Segment 3 ~ "Venus Meets Mars"

When is the right time for intimacy in a relationship?

>On The First Date

>The 90-Day Rule

>How Long Is Too Long To Wait?

You decide.

"Venus Meets Mars" airs every second Saturday of the Month from 11am - Noon on ListenVisionLive.com.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Episode 85, S2 "Venus Meets Mars ~ Children In Relationships"

Today's episode was about children in relationships:

  • Are childless couples happier?
  • How do you feel about disciplining your significant others children or them disciplining yours?
  • Would you date someone with small children or children in the home?

Tune in to adult conversations with the cast of "Venus Meets Mars" every Saturday from 11am - Noon on ListenVisionLive.com.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Episode ~ 82, S1 - Debut of "In Your Eyes"

"In Your Eyes" is the vision of my Bestie and Co-Host Wanda. "In Your Eyes" is about empowering men of color.

Today we Introduced "In Your Eyes" ~ Today's focus was on the importance of mentoring. Tune in to this segment every third Saturday of the month on the "Taylor Love" show on ListenVisionLive.com.  ‪#‎TaylorLoveTells‬ ‪#‎InYourEyes‬. Smooches....

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Taylor Love Tells All: Skin Whitening, and Light Skinned v sDark Skinned

Taylor Love Tells All: Skin Whitening, and Light Skinned v sDark Skinned: There's a new phenomenon, "Skin Whitening." But is it really new?  The light skinned versus dark skinned issue has bee...

Skin Whitening, and Light Skinned vs Dark Skinned

There's a new phenomenon, "Skin Whitening." But is it really new?  The light skinned versus dark skinned issue has been going on for centuries across all cultures.  It knows no boundaries, the Asians, the Europeans, the Latinos, and of course the African-Americans.  But are we still so obsessed with the color our our skin and others' skin that we've taken to using unsafe products to lighten our skin?  Recent news stories say that it is now becoming a national obsession.  But what is the underlying reason for this?

Have you heard of the "paper bag" test? If you were lighter than a paper bag then you were light skinned and had the favored skin tone. And if not, oh well, go stand over there.

Recently on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network Channel she discussed the plight of the Light Skinned Woman. They were picked on, never fit in, straddled the fence between white and black.  Okay, from my experience the light skinned  girls were highly favored, were doted upon,and got the most attention. So what's wrong with that? Work with what you got is my motto.

But when we begin to ostracize others because of their skin tone there is a definite cultural problem. We all, well most of us want to change something about the way we look, but be careful what you ask for and how you set about achieving it. Caucasians want tans, African-Americans want fairer skin and blow in the wind hair. I get it. But whatever you do on the outside isn't going to change the inside. Let's just try to celebrate each others' and our own differences.  That's what makes us special.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

"But We Were On A Break"

If you were on a break would you accept your significant other back if he had a baby on the way or she was impregnated with some other guy's baby?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Episode 72 ~ "What's Trending"

Hey folks! On today's show Wanda and I talk about the "Golden Globes," Martin Luther King Jr.," and the movie "Selma."

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Episode 72 - Free[D]Art Collectives

On today's show Charlotte Hager, Body Painter and Deb Lithander, Headdress designer talked about how they got started, what they're doing now and their collaboration the "Free[D]Art Collectives."

Don't Miss A Thing! Go to my YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" and subscribe!

Thursday, January 8, 2015