Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Monday, September 30, 2013

Taylor Love Love Tells All - Episode 10 ~Good Girls Love Bad Boys ft. Quan

What a great show! Quan shared with us his childhood, the challenges he met growing up, his stent in the military, his incarceration, and now his movement to uplift himself and our youth.

He also recited two poems, "Pain" and "She Is".

Check him out.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Good Girls Love Bad Boys

Tune in today at ListenVisionLive.com at 11AM - Noon. And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" so you never miss a thing.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Tune in to Episode 10 - May/December & Good Girl/Bad Boy Relationships

Tune in to Episode 10 ~ May/December & Good Girl/Bad Boy Relationships

When I say May/December I’m not talking about your birthday. 

May/December relationships is defined as “Sexual Relationships between individuals of a significant difference in age.

Some of the challenges of May/December Relationships:

  • ·       Family Acceptance
  • ·       To Have, or Not Have, Kids
  • ·       Blending Families
  • ·       Illness
  • ·       Sexual Partners
  • ·       Don’t Blame Age
Hollywood Couples with Huge Age Gaps

  • ·       Clint Eastwood & Dina Ruiz-Eastwood – 35 Years
  • ·       Jay-Z & Beyonce – 12 Years
  • ·       Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas – 25 Years (I hear they are currently separated)
  • ·       Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart – 22 Years
But how about Older Women with Younger Men?

The Pros:

  • ·       Younger men are more energetic
  • ·       Appearance is important to them
  • ·       They love an older woman
  • ·       Makes a woman feel more in control of the relationship
The Cons:

  • ·       A younger man may be afraid of a commitment
  • ·       Communication is not that great
  • ·       You might end up being a mother figure instead of a partner
  • ·       Younger men are not looking into the future and might still be living in the moment.

Are You A Good Girl Loving A Bad Boy?

Why would a good girl be drawn to a relationship this is emotionally unavailable, unable to commit or unwilling to remain faithful and responsible in a relationship? 

The answers include:

  • ·       She views him as a fixer – A bad boy can fix anything
  • ·       He’s Familiar – Maybe her father was a bad boy, or that’s the surroundings in which she grew up
  • ·       He’s Exciting – Need I say More?
  • ·       He’ a troubled soul – And a good girl love to try and fix or rescue a bad boy. Good luck with that!

Me, I like a younger bad boy, but I know he won’t be a keeper!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Episode 9 ~ Promiscuous: Men vs Women

Check out Me and Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner as we discuss Promiscuity during Episode 9 of the "Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy" show. We talk definitions, causes, examples, and repercussions. We even have a promiscuity test.

Also, at the end of Part II, Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner does her segment "Let's Talk Radio" where she announces upcoming shows and events.

Don't miss a thing. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" and follow me on Facebook at Taylor Love.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Episode 9 - "Promiscuous: Men vs Women"

What's Your Number?

Episode 9 is all about "Promiscuity". 

How many partners are too many?

Is there a double standard for men?

Is there a national average?

Do you want to know where you rate against the world?  I ran across a test that will give you your promiscuity level. Here are the seven number when added together give you your level: 

  • The number of sexual partners you have had in the last year, _____ x 5 =                       ______
  • The number of sexual partners you see yourself having in the next five years =                 ______
  • The number of one-night-stands you have had, _____ x 5=                                            ______
  • On a scale of 1 to 8 where "1 is Never" and "8 is Everyday", how often do you fantasize about someone other than your current/most recent partner, _____ x 4 =                                  ______
  • On a scale of "1-Strongly Disagree to 9-Strongly Agree" how would agree with the statement "Sex without love is OK" _____ x 0.66 =                                                                                ______
  • Same as above but with the statement "I can imagine myself being comfortable and enjoying casual sex with different partners" _____ x 0.66 =                                                                      ______
  • On a new scale of "1-Strongly Agree to 9-Strongly Disagree" how would you agree with the statement "I would have to be closely attached to someone (both emotionally and psychologically) before I could fee comfortable and fully enjoy having sex with him or her" _____ x 0.66 = ______  
And yes I took the test! 
What's Your Number?

Here are the top 3 promiscuous countries and their scores in descending order:

3.  Slovenia    46.26
2.  New Zealand  47.69
1.  Finland  50.5  (The most promiscuous country in the world)

And the bottom 3 countries and their scores in descending order:

46.  South Korea   22.21
47.  Bangladesh    19.67
48.  Taiwan  19.222 (Least promiscuous country in the world)

If you want to know exactly what country your equivalent too then you have to email me at taylorlovetellsall@gmail.com, add a comment or inbox me on facebook.

And yes, this is all scientific. Sure. Right.

Join the conversation, Saturday, September 21st, 11am - Noon at ListenVisionLive.com.

Don't miss an episode! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, "Taylor Love Tells All".


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ The Washington Navy Yard

Yesterday, September 16, 2013, thirteen lights were put out. We will never know what the future held for those who lost their lives, but we can pray for their loved ones as they try to recover and understand what happened yesterday. The only thing I understand is that sometimes we will never understand.

Living here in the Nation's Capital, we keep a mindful eye open on things that look out of place, but all too often it is the normality that fools us. Be forever vigilant, if you see something say something. But ultimately after each tragedy the masses go back to life as they knew it.

For others, their lives will forever be changed, and for some there will be no tomorrow.

Rest In Peace, Friends and God Speed......

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Episode 8 ~ "?What's Your Question?" Part II

To my surprise Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner's brothers joined the show to answer some fan questions. I've know them for close to 20 years, but they recently moved to North Carolina so I hadn't seen them for awhile.

No one did a camcorder check so Benny was totalling out of frame but had some hilarious answers. Sorry about that Benny.

Guy was funny as hell too, the handsome devil that he is.

We answered questions like: Have you ever cheated, boxers or briefs, and so much more.

Enjoy Part II. 

Don't miss a thing, so subscribe to my YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All".

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Episode 8 "?What's Your Question?" Part I

Oh my goodness. Yesterday's show was a riot. I had a wicked hang over but made it through.

I decided during this episode to give recording my episodes myself a try with my new camcorder, and during Part I of this episode I periodically forgot it was running and so did everyone else in the room.

See the behind the scenes action, but be patient it takes a minute for me to figure out how to operate the camera.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All~At Carolina Kitchen in Hyattsville, MD

Tonight Wanda a.k.a. the Party Planner and I met with Cathy the Manager of Carolina Kitchen in Hyattsville, MD. We talked to her about plans for our upcoming "Meet & Greet", Friday, October 4th during Happy Hour.

They showed us mad love and we met some new friends as well.

Wanda and I talked about the format for tomorrow's show, Episode 8 ~"?What's Your Question?" while we sipped on Martinis.

Amari Black texted her own question, and I'll be sure to add it to the question box.

It's time for me to shut it down and get some rest so I can be fresh and sharp in the morning.

Tune in to:  ListenVisionLice.com , Saturday September 14th from 11A-Noon to hear the answers to fan questions.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Episode 8 - "?What's Your Question?

Since my adolescence through my adult life people, men and women have often asked me advice about love and relationships. I guess because even at a young age I wasn't one to fantasize about falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after. My idea of happily ever after was being eternally single, travel around the world, no kids, no husband, no ties to speak of, and doing exactly what I wanted to do. So I brought a different perspective to the idea of love and marriage.

But somehow life chooses a different course for you and that's okay. Everything that has happened in my life adds to my life experience and my journey. It has created the person I am today and the person I will become tomorrow.

Oops, I think I got off topic. Anyway, people always seem to ask me about love, relationships, sex, and life. And of course I have an answer in true Taylor Love fashion.

Amari Black, Wanda a.ka.a The Party Planner and I have collected questions posed to us, from you and I will answer them on air, Saturday, September 14th, from 11a.m. - Noon at ListenVisionLive.com.

No question is off limits.

Hear the answer to your question on air. And don't miss an episode, subscribe to "Taylor Love Tells All: on YouTube.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ Are You Ready For Some Football

Are You Ready For Some Football?

It's Monday Night Football and the District of Columbia is all excited. It's the Washington Redskins vs the Philadelphia Eagles.

On the train ride home I was surrounded by RGIII Jerseys and Redskin and Eagles Fans.

What's all the hype?

Each year I swear I'm gonna learn the game. I want to be part of the action. I want to talk about the game on the way to work the next morning. I want to commit to something and stay with it for an entire season.

I guess I could start by ending this post and tuning in to the game.

See you on the other side!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy - Episode 7 ~ "Slumber Parties by Amy"

Wow! Today's show was fantastic. Amy of "Slumber Parties by Amy" was funny and informative. She says she's an EDU-trainer, and she delivered.

She showed us the latest in her toy chest, but that wasn't all. She shared some lessons too on:

* Anal Penetration
* Squirting
* Achieving an Orgasm

If you missed today's show you can catch it here. If you want to see past episodes subscribe to my YouTube channel "TaylorLoveTellsAll".

If you'd like to contact Amy her website address is:  www.slumberpartiesbyamybrophy.com

Friday, September 6, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy ~ Episode 7 - "Slumber Parties by Amy"

Amy is not just that "Dildo" lady. Rather, she's been a Sexual Health and Wellness Edu-trainer for over 8 years.
Sex is FUNny.

When we embrace the comedy of it all, we are more likely to tackle our needs and wants with a more open mind.  We all experience these issues-and she will address them out loud.

She helps us feel comfortable about intimacy and there is a HUGE difference between intimacy and sex. (PUN intended)

Tune in:

Date:                    Saturday, September 7, 2013
Time:                   11:00am - Noon
Location:             ListenVisionLive.com

To check out past episodes of my show visit:  TaylorLoveTellsAll on YouTube. Subscribe to my channel so you never miss a thing!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ It's The Tuesday After Labor Day

Labor Day marks the end of summer. Kids are going back to school, the pools are closing, amusement parks are bare, and you're looking at pictures of the vacations you took, or regretting the one's you didn't.

Oh well, I'm elated! The Nation's Capital searing heat is almost gone along with it's weighty humidity.

Maybe, I can get my hair to behave or take a long walk without going in to respiratory failure.

Anyhow, I'm glad I woke up this morning to celebrate a new day, a new season, and a new frame of mind.

Everyday you wake up is a triumph, an opportunity to reinvent yourself, check something off that "To-Do List", or just revel in serenity. It's up to you. Seize the moment! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy ~ Episode 6 - "You're Invited To A Picnic"

Hey Guys,
  Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer so I decided to do my own indoor picnic at Listen Vision Studios on Saturday, August 31st.

 Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner and I set up a romantic picnic at the studio to share how simple, easy and inexpensive it is to have a romantic picnic for someone you care about.

  We made Bellinis, Caprese, and had lots of whipped cream.

To see what else was in the basket watch the entire episode.

To be a part of my show, tune in every Saturday, from 11:00am - Noon @ listenvisionlive.com, and subscribe to my YouTube channel @ Taylor Love.