Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Monday, September 9, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ Are You Ready For Some Football

Are You Ready For Some Football?

It's Monday Night Football and the District of Columbia is all excited. It's the Washington Redskins vs the Philadelphia Eagles.

On the train ride home I was surrounded by RGIII Jerseys and Redskin and Eagles Fans.

What's all the hype?

Each year I swear I'm gonna learn the game. I want to be part of the action. I want to talk about the game on the way to work the next morning. I want to commit to something and stay with it for an entire season.

I guess I could start by ending this post and tuning in to the game.

See you on the other side!

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