Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Dating Debacles of 2012

Pretty soon it will be 2013 and the new year will offer all new dating opportunities. Hopefully there will be more dreams come true then debacles.
Here are my top Dating Debacles of 2012:

5.  No Commitment - During the first five minutes of the first conversation he says that he’s not looking for a relationship, doesn’t want to be committed, and never wants to get married. After lunch he texts to say he’d like to be invited over for dinner someday. I don’t think so.

4.  Wow, he won a second a term! – He lives across the country and has been promising to visit for over a year and has come up with a multitude of excuses why he just can’t make it. The election comes and Obama is back in for his second term. The phone rings and it’s him asking if he can stay with you so that he can take part in the inauguration activities. Please…

3.  On-Line Dating - You met him on-line and the conversation was flowing. You can’t believe that he might be the one. He sends a picture but it’s grainy and really not clear enough to see all that you want or need to see. Finally the day comes when you meet, and he’s handicap and a tad short. Not that we should discriminate against the handicapped but I think this is something you should mention to someone instead of springing it on them on a first date. Wouldn’t you want to know if I had a third eye? Can someone say “Catfish”?

2.  Cheaters - He cheats on you and you still decide to have his child. You put him out, but he keeps showing up on your doorstep and you let him back in. If a dog messes on your carpet and you give it a treat it’s going to keep messing on that carpet. Smack that cheater on the nose with a newspaper and stop rewarding bad behavior.

And my Number 1 Dating Debacle of 2012

1.  Joe Schmoe - You met him in the club. He’s fine and got swagger, but no job, no car and no place of his own, but you decide to BUN this loser. And to further propagate the myth that older, professional women are desperate for a man you invite your friends and random acquaintances (all women) over to your house to meet him, and show him off like a shiny new car. He shows up over an hour late and announces that he’s late because he had to stop and buy some condoms. He is best kept under the sheets in the bedroom and not at the dinner table.

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