Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Friday, August 10, 2012


Thanks for stopping by Pen2PpaperToo. So far the summer has been sizzling hot. It's not my favorite season, but others seem to love it so I persevere.

Now that you're here give me a few minutes of your time so that you can get to know me, know what I'm doing and what led me here.

Me, I'm an intrevert at heart and a voyeur by nature, although no one believes it, but it's true. I've been writing and journaling since I was in elementary school. In fact I recently found my diary where I'd written about walking home from school after the Martin Luther King, Jr. assasination and the mayhem I experienced on my neighborhood streets in South East, Washington, DC. Anyone from DC remembers the "Big Chair" from back in the day. That was my neighborhood, Anacostia.

I've always had three passions, writing, teaching, and fantasizing about a world of endless posibilities. Well I found that writing really encompasses them all. So there is where I begin.

As I went through life, journaling and writing I found that I mostly jotted down poignant moments that were relationship driven. I love him, he loves me, I can't live without him, oh the heart break when it ends, and on and on. You get the picture and my guy friends and girl friends had some of the same experiences. It wasn't until recently with the onslaught of reality t.v. that brought relationships of friends and lovers dead center in to your living room that my girlfriends suggested I write about our relationship dilemas and successes specific to the Washington, DC area. And "Dating In DC 101" was born.

Now to the nuts and bolts of me, writing, writing, writing. As a writer, you would think that I love to read. Wrong. In the beginning I was only interested in what I had to write about. It was like therapy. But as time went on I learned that I had to read other authors' works to see what was good, bad, and the ugly of the literary world. So I started with some urban literature and some classics and took note of why some could find mainstream publishers and make the New York Times Bestsellers list and why others could not get pass self-publishing. "Urban Litereature Under Review" is a platform where we can discuss books that haven't got on the highway to mainstream publishing.

Under my Writing Series I will share excerpts form the novel I am currently working on, "Power House". It is about a magazine based out of Washington, DC that does reports on the good and the bad of the movers and shakers in our Nation's Capital. I will share excerpts from my novel with you  and welcome your feedback.

Mostly, I'm here to share, to learn, and to experience. Please join me on my ventures.


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