Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Monday, August 20, 2012

Wrting Series ~ Writer's Digest Prompt

Writer's Digest has a contest where they give you a prompt and you follow with an opening paragraph of 100 words or less.  Here goes:

"A nosy man eavesdrops on his co-workers and immediately regrets it."

My response:

As Kirk puts his ear closer to the copier room door he hears Tyler and Kaitlin talking in a hushed tone. "I heard Ms. Thompson talking to the Director and they said they are going to let Kirk go." He leans in a little closer not believing what he's heard, and the door flies open.

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