Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

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~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ "What Men Want"

Chapter 2 ~ "Ten Facts About Men"

Fact Number 1:  "Women Have More Power Over Men Than They Know"

Well I knew that one. I have seen men do some crazy things when they think they are in love. I've seen the look in some of their eyes when you just mention their lady's name. But is that look long lasting or just a shooting star?

We as women do have the power to uplift a man or crush him and his hopes and dreams right along with him. Always use your power for good and not evil. Remember Karma is a mother.....

Fact Number 2:  "Men Appreciate Women Who Take the Initiative"

I hear you. Where are we going to eat? What do you want to do? What time do you want to go? Would someone make a decision already?

Should I ask for his number? Should I call him first? If you are interested, let him know. If there is something you'd like to do then speak up. But don't dominate, they have 1-900 numbers for that.

Fact 3:  "Men Are Turned Off by Women Who Play Hard to Get"

That makes perfect sense. Why would they keep trying to hook the fish that keeps squirming away when they have a whole lake of fish to choose from? After all, you might not be a good catch, he might not be either. Eventually he will give up and justifiably so.

You don't have to be easy, but be reasonable.

Fact Number 4: "Men Will Take Advantage of Women Who Will Let Them"

If you seem content with where your relationship is with a man then why on earth would he rock the boat? He's comfortable and has gotten complacent, go figure.

If you want more from your relationship then you need to let him know. If he's not moving in the same direction you are then it's time to get on another boat. Better you find out sooner than later.

Fact Number 5:  "When It Comes to Sex, Men Still Believe in the Double Standard"

As these guys tell it, men would have sex all day, every day, with any woman who was willing. Well not literally, but you get the drift.

Men are driven by sex and that's the long and short of it, and hopefully it is longer than it is shorter. But don't expect for them to appreciate the same behaviors and attitudes  in a woman unless she is paid to behave that way.

Keep him satisfied and interested or he will either wonder or wander and neither is a good thing.

Fact Number 6:  "Men Are Extremely Jealous, So Trying to Inflame His Jealousy Will Always Backfire"

Men are already wondering how they stack up to the guy next to them, let alone the guy who might be vying for his amour's attention.

So you pushing his jealousy button is only going to push him away. "He will drop you cold rather than suffer this kind of torture," say my guys.

Fact Number 7:  "Men's Natural Inclination Is to Have Sex with Many Women"

Hey, they said it and they admitted it. What more do you want? They said that when in a monogamous relationship they turn to pornography, strip clubs, and masturbation to curb their salacious appetites. If they thought they could get away with cheating they would.

So keep them in check and keep them in love.

Fact Number 8:  "Men Have a Hard Time Interpreting Women's Talk"

Men hear in black and white while women speak in shades of grey (no pun intended, well maybe just a little bit).

Hell, half the time I don't even know what I'm talking about. Sometimes there just aren't words to convey our emotions and you want a man to understand. Not happening. The key is being direct and to the point. And never tell him "We need to talk", not if you really intend on speaking to him again.

Fact Number 9:  "Men Would Rather Be Intimate Than Talk About It"

Men are poor communicators when it comes to relationships and feelings (refer back to Fact Number 8). Women on the other hand want verbal declarations of love and commitment. Sure he can say the words that you want to hear, but does he really mean them.

Look to his actions and not to what he is or isn't saying, they will speak volumes.

Fact Number 10:  "The Way to a Man's Heart is Through His Ego"

You don't have to fawn all over him and exaggerate his accomplishments, but compliment him from time to time when he does a good job or when he makes an earnest attempt.

Just like us we like to hear a job well done instead of hearing how we mucked (yes, I meant to say mucked) something up.

Next we explore,

Chapter 3 ~ "The First Encounter" is where it all begins. Stay tuned.

Smooches and Happy Dating!

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