Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Friday, February 22, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ On-Line Dating

Wow! Have you seen the recent headlines about on-line dating? There's the "Craiglist Killer" headlining on the Lifetime network, the rapist on "Match.com" and the Christian site "Our Time." Is there no sacred or safe place to meet your amore? It seems that your local bar is no more dangerous than dating on-line.

And then there's "Catfishing." You're chatting it up via text and email in-boxing and they're saying all the right things. The pictures they've posted have you asking yourself how did you get so lucky. Then you ask yourself and them why are you still single, why haven't you been swept up a long time ago? And then they tell you, "I've been waiting for you all of my life." So cliché, but you say to yourself, "Well maybe they have." Now isn't that something special?

If they won't or can't connect, RED flag. If they can't send any current pictures, RED flag. If they only have ten friends on Facebook, RED flag.

Be careful out there my friends, predators can smell desperation even via the airwaves.

So be safe, be savvy, and be smart.

Got to go now! My smart, handsome, hotty from Miami just in-boxed me on Facebook. He has 12 friends on Facebook so I know he is real! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Valentine's Day Aftermath

Any Fall Out From Valentine's Day?

My Valentine's Day was pretty special considering my past experiences. No, I didn't spend it with the love of my life, but I did spend it with one of my very best "female" friends. 

We had dinner at a local seafood buffet. The food was exceptional: Crab legs, Lobster Tails, Shrimp, and Ribs; you name it, they had it. The ambiance, not so much; No fine china, plastic cups, stacks of napkins, troths of cocktail sauce, tartar sauce, and reconstructed butter flavored oil. After all it is a buffet. Speakers filled the restaurant with the sounds of customers singing Karaoke from a back room.

Soon the lines formed at the front door, full of couples creating their own Valentine's Day experiences.

I watched the faces as they poured in. The females of the younger couples were happy to be out with their boyfriends, with the "He chose me to spend the day with," looks on their faces. The males of those same couples puffed out their chests at the mere fact that they did something special for their girlfriends.

The older couples, who seemed to have been together for years were just glad to be out and get some great food. Glad to have made it this far, after so much, still together.

I guess couples who were new and still in the "Honeymoon" phase chose a more romantic venue to celebrate their love.

After we finished our dinner we headed off to a local bar "The Bottom Line". When we entered, the cocktail waitresses greeted us eagerly with "Happy Valentine's Day" and made us feel as if we were part of the "Bottom Line" family. One waitress ushered us to the bar to read off the Valentine's Day cocktail list, on special of course: Chocolate Kisses, Cotton Candy Vodka, and  Peach Schnapps to name a few. Sounds like a hangover waiting to happen. We pass, and stick with our traditional cocktails. Me, a Vodka Tonic and my girlfriend a Cadillac Margarita.

We nestle in to a booth that offers a view of the entire bar. It is easy to see that most of the customers are regulars and have decided to spend their Valentine's Day at a place that has some familiarity.

Minutes after we sit down a guy approaches our table, "Can I sit with you ladies?" I don't respond and let my girlfriend, the social butterfly take over. "Sure, pull up a chair," she responds. Before either can debate whether he should sit in the booth with us or whether he should pull up a chair, they try to identify the song playing on the juke box, yes I said juke box. I can't remember the song now, but he recognized the artist "Confunkshun". That earned him a seat at the booth.

He bought drinks and offered some interesting conversation, but for me he tended to be a little annoying. He knows this one and that one, he's been here and there, he's building a house in Barcelona, he can cook, he can sing, he can juggle balls in the air, five at a time. Okay, I just threw that one in. His name he says is "Delicious", I refused to even mouth that word.

My girlfriend relentlessly asks why he is there alone on Valentine's Day. Finally he surrenders his version of the truth. His girlfriend doesn't understand his relationship with his four daughters and is jealous, so he is punishing her by staying away on Valentine's Day. Really? But you're here in a bar soliciting numbers and trying to get your mack on? His cell is constantly ringing, but he's not answering.

We deduce at nights end that he told her that he had to work late, and headed to her after he left the bar. Just be real guys. Let us know your real intentions, instead of weaving a web of lies. Eventually you will be found out.

Relationships are best built on honesty, mutual understanding, and respect. Always remember if you are deceitful, your mate maybe giving you exactly what you are giving them.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Cooking for Cupid

Nothing is more intimate than you and your loved one cooking together in the kitchen.

Do you want to do something memorable for Valentine's Day? And do it on a budget too?

Invite your sweetie over and "Cook for Cupid."  He brings all the ingredients to prepare his speciality and you do the same without sharing your menus.  Your in the kitchen together, chopping this, and shredding that. The water is boiling and the heat from the oven has the both of you sweating.

Oh, that reminds me, set the table before you start to cook and prepare a salad in a nice bowl with some cherry tomatoes for your side dish. Easy!

If you're wine drinkers, bring out matching glasses. This isn't the time for plastic cups.

Offer him a taste as you cook and he might do the same. Do not make this a structured cooking competition. Enjoy each other, enjoy the moment, and have fun.

Save the dishes for after dessert, or maybe the morning after.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dating In DC 101 ~ Not Negotiable

You think you've met the person who just might be the one. They're great and things are going marvellously. Then one day the conversation is suddenly about relationship deal breakers, those pesky non-negotiables.

Your list seems like a no brainer:

  • No Infidelity.
  • No Lies.
  • Must Be Kind and Courteous.
Blah, Blah, Blah. You know the drill.

His is more specific:
  • No small children. Check!
  • Must live within a 60 mile radius. Check!
  • No cats. Double Check!
  • No Smoking. Stop the press!
Did he smell the cigarette smoke on my breath? I thought I had hidden all the ashtrays. I only smoke once in awhile, that should be okay right?

There is suddenly an awkward silence. He's staring right at you as if he can see last nights cigarette smoke still circling your lungs.

You look him right back and say "Check." Whew, I guess he didn't know your tiny indiscretion.

Now what?
  • Do you quit? After all it is a terrible habit.
  • Do you continue to hide your habit and hope he never finds out,
  • Or finally tell the truth and say you will "work" on quitting?
Tisk Tisk.....

What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive!

What would you do?