Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Episode 20 - "What Are You Thankful For?"

We share Thanksgiving traditions, what we are thankful for, and show pictures from our Thanksgiving week.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel @ Taylor Love Tells All.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All ~ "What Are You Thankful For?"

What Are You Thankful For?

I can hardly believe that it’s the holiday season. Seems like a blink of an eye ago I was laying on the sand in Myrtle Beach. Jeez, where does the time go?

I do enjoy the holidays and all the festivities. Not so much going from house to house, but the weather, decorations, and especially the endless amounts of food.

Whether I go out to visit on Thanksgiving or stay at home I always prepare my own dinner. This year it’s a turkey, stuffing, collard greens, and sweet potatoes. Yummy!

But what am I thankful for?

I’m thankful that my family and friends are all doing well, I’m thankful that I am pursuing my passion, and I’m thankful that my life is finally drama free.  I’ll toast to that!

Tune in Saturday, November 30th where I will share clips, traditions, and love and joy with the Taylor Love Team.

See us on ListenVisionLive.com from 11am – Noon.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Episode 19 - Scorpio Season Close-Out

Bye Bye Scorpio Season. You served us well, from my birthday on October 28th through Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner's birthday on November 20th.

I'm sad to see you go, but I sure am tired.

We talked about traits, characteristics, compatibility, famous Scorpios, our Scorpio family and friends and the celebrations.

Farewell until next Scorpio Season.

Check out our show every Saturday, from 11am - Noon on ListenVisionLive.com.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Scorpio Season Close-Out

Oh yeah, Scorpios fancy themselves as the best sign of the Zodiac. We don't even entertain the thought that other signs could ever hold a candle to us.

At our best, there is no one better, at our worst, there is no one better. Understand that!

Love Us or Leave Us Alone!

Passionate, Loyal, Honest, Smart, Mysterious. Yes, yes, give me more.

Sneaky, Jealous, Obsessive, Vengeful. Yes, yes, give me more.

We are what we are and proud of it. Even our bad side. 

Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner and I will talk all about it.

We will share the traits.
Who we are compatible with.
What to expect and not to expect from a Scorpio.

We celebrate our Season, Scorpio Season, from October 24 - November 21, each year and every year.

Happy Birthday Scorpios!

Tune in Saturday, November 23rd, from 11a.m. - Noon for Episode 19 - "Scorpio Season Close-Out" at ListenVisionLive.com to see pics and get stung! 

"It Hurst So Good"

Monday, November 18, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All - Episode 18 - "The Women's Collective" discusses HIV/AIDS101

Episode 18 - "The Women's Collective", HIV/AIDS 101

Crissy Taylor, Youth Program Associate of "The Women's Collective" discussed HIV/AIDS 101. She covered:

  • How the "Collective" was organized
  • What programs the "Collective" offer
  • The difference between HIV and AIDS
  • Testing
  • Outreach
  • Prevention

Crissy even gave us a female condom demonstration.

You can see the "Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy" show every Saturday, 11am - Noon on ListenVisionLive.com.

And check out past episodes on YouTube at "Taylor Love Tells All", and don't forget to subscribe!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Urban Literature Under Review - "The Rejected Stone" by Reverend Al Sharpton


I recently attended Reverend Al Sharpton’s book signing “The Rejected Stone” at the Martin Luther King, Jr., Library in Washington, DC.  Although I didn’t stay long enough to get a photo op and my book signed (my car was in a public garage and it closed at 9pm), I did get a chance to hear him speak.

He talked about the books title, “The Rejected Stone” and why he chose that title and refused to change it even at the prompting of others.

If you are not familiar with the title it comes from the Bible phrase “THE STONE THE BUILDERS REJECTED HAS BECOME THE CAPSTONE” - appearing first at Psalm 118:22, recurs at Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11 and 1 Peter 2:7, making it one of the New Testament's most repeated phrases.

He went on to explain that he like most of us has been a rejected stone at some points in our lives. No one believes in our vision, no one supports our dreams, it can't be done they say.


Ah, but we've proved them wrong. We have become the building block, the foundation, "The Stone The Builders Rejected Has Become The Capstone".

That's what his book is about. Following your passion, pushing past rejection, and believing in yourself and your dreams despite what others may think. 

Yes, you may fail. Yes, they may mock you. Yes, things may not turn out as you thought they might. But at the end of the day, stay true to yourself and your passion and move forward.

Each Chapter is a "Life Lesson For These Changing Times" and he has 25 of them.

As I read, I'll share with you what lessons I've learned that can be applied to my own life and my journey.

It looks like it's going to be a good read!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Taylor Love Tells All ~ November 2013 Schedule

Friday, November 8th – Scorpio Celebration @ Bay Street Lounge, Lanham, MD

Saturday, November 9th – Episode 15 ~ On-Line Dating (Where it all began)

Friday, November 15th – Meet w/Dike the Artist @ Carolina Kitchen, Hyattsville, MD

Saturday, November 16th – Episode 16 ~ Women’s Collective Organization @ ListenVision

Saturday, November 16th - Scorpio Brunch @ Red Sky Steak & Fish House, Laurel, MD

Wednesday, November 20th – Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner’s Birthday

Saturday, November 23rd – Episode 17 ~ Scorpio Season Close-Out @ ListenVision

Saturday, November 23rd – Jaheim @ Constitution Hall

Wednesday, November 27th – 2013 Coat & Toy Drive hosted by Valuable Blessings, Inc & Seat Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department @ 6305 Addison Road, Capitol Heights, MD

Friday, November 29th – Meet & Greet hosted by Blair High School Reunion Group @ the Fire Station 1, Silver Spring, MD

Saturday, November 30th – Episode 18 ~ What Are You Thankful For? @ ListenVision

Boy, we sure have a busy month! If you want the Taylor Love Team to promote or host your event let us know. Share the Love. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ Scorpio Celebration

I've known Wanda for twenty years now. She was the first person I met at the agency where I currently work. Literally the first person, she was the greeter at the front desk.

We became immediate friends, hung out together, shared stories, and laughed and cried together. She's my Scorpio Sister. My birthday is October 28th and hers is November 20th. She always tell people that I'm the head and she is the tail of the Scorpion.

Back in the day we would celebrate our birthdays from mine to hers, always doing something special and generally having a good time during Scorpio Season. And we always threw a Scorpio Party.

But like anything else, life sometimes gets in the way.

But we are back and you're invited.

Come out and help us celebrate our birthdays and Scorpio Season. And don't worry; if you're not local I'll probably post a couple of videos on my YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All" and pics on my Facebook page "Taylor Love" (shameless plugs).

But honestly, it's nice to have a friend, I mean "Sister" like Wanda and I hope you have a Wanda in your life too.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Putting Pen2Paper ~ "12 Years A Slave"

Wow, what an emotional ride. Just recounting the movie in this blog brings tears to my eyes.

Tears for humanity, tears for humility, and tears for the sacrifices and suffering our forefathers endured before use. No one is untouched or unscathed, no matter their color.

 12 Years a Slave is a 2013 British-American historical drama film, an adaptation of the 1853 autobiography “Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped in Washington, D.C. in 1841 and sold into slavery. He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before his release.

In 1841, Solomon Northup (Ejiofor) is a free black man living with his wife and two children in Saratoga Springs, New York. He makes his living playing the violin. One day he is lured into a lucrative touring gig by a pair of men (McNairy and Killam). After a night out in Washington, D.C. with the two men, Northup awakens to find himself chained to the floor. In shock of what has happened, Northup realizes he has been drugged and sold into slavery.

Now under the name of Platt, Northup is transported by ferry to New Orleans, where he is purchased as a slave by plantation owner William Ford (Cumberbatch). Enduring his new life, Northup stays on good terms with Ford as he assists him by engineering a waterway for transporting materials more swiftly. Northup's ability to play the violin is also discovered, with Ford providing him with a violin. Because of his success on the plantation, overseer John Tibeats (Dano) becomes jealous of Northup leading to many quarrels between the two.

Eventually, Northup is handed over to another plantation run by abusive slave driver Edwin Epps (Fassbender). Northup's main duties are now picking cotton, which he is expected to collect 200 pounds of each day otherwise savagely beaten. The slave who constantly picks the most cotton is Patsey (Nyong’o), a gentle woman that is the center of Epps' affection, despite his distressingly aware wife (Paulson).

One day, while working in the fields, Northup is called out by the local sheriff. Inquiring about Northup's past life, the sheriff asks a series of questions to match him to his profile. Northup is then taken off the plantation to much of Epps' dismay. After being enslaved for 12 years, Northup is finally released and returned back to his family.

Note:  Information provided by Wikipedia

You can see my commentary on my YouTube Channel "Taylor Love Tells All"