Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Friday, January 31, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Oya's

You want to impress her; she wants to see if you can step up your game, well check out:

Oya Restaurant and Lounge

Penn Quarter, 777 9th St., NW


Oya caters to the hip and posh and the eccentric menu offers gnocchi, sushi and a soup called Ginger Butternut Squash Cappuccino. It’s not the kind of place where you are going to find your usual suspects on the menu and the tastings are not inexpensive.

The drinks are delicious, but are usually served in slim small double shot glasses so don’t look for a tumbler full of gin and tonic.

Food is delicious as well and the food styling is an art form, but you won’t get full.

Ambiance is the hit, chic, modern and styled in Silver, black and white décor with a sparkling fire place. You might catch a glimpse of a celebrity or two, and a few politicos, and some of the who’s who of this area and beyond.

Overall I love the place as long as I don’t have to pay the bill.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Reading List ~ What Are You Reading?

Oh the reading list just keeps growing and growing. As a writer I figured I should read more. I’ve never been an avid reader. If a book or article didn’t peak my interest in the first few chapters or even pages it was thrown to the side. There are even books I started reading and now I can’t find to finish (my blog post about what men want). So we move on. No need to dwell on the negative.  I resolved to read more in 2014 not just for entertainment but to develop my writing style, learn a few things, and just to see what is in someone else’s mind.

So here is my current reading list:

“The Rejected Stone” by Al Sharpton

I got this book the end of October and am only on Chapter 9 of 23 Chapters. It’s pretty good and a quick read if I would just apply myself.

“82nd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition Collection”

I got this book in the mail around Christmas and thought someone had sent it to me as a Christmas gift, but eventually realized I had ordered months before. I decided to get this book of compilations of Writer Digest winners to see what they might be looking for since I’ve never won.

I have barely cracked the seal, but going to move it up on my reading list. Another contest is coming in May.

I recently discovered that I could download the Kindle app on my phone and that are free books in available for download.

Here are my 3 eBooks:

“2014 Devotional Collection, Daily Wisdom for Women”

I’m current on this, every morning on the train ride in to work I read my inspiration for the day. The weekends can be kind of tricky but I try to start my day with some inspiration.

“Life Skills, How to do Almost Anything” by the Chicago Tribune

I downloaded this without reading the synopsis. I thought it was a book about being self-motivated, be your authentic self, blah, blah, blah.

I quickly found out in the first chapter “Arrange Flowers” that this was not that kind of book. But it still took me a while to get it because while the author was talking about flower selection and arrangement I thought it was an analogy of selecting and arranging one’s life goals. Not! Chapter 2 “Clean a bathroom” well at least I have some helpful tips so I’ll keep reading.

“How to Work for Yourself” by Bryan Cohen

Now this is what I’ve been looking for in a free book. Easy steps to success, I’m 2 chapters in and they revolve around time management. I ain’t got time for that!

What’s on Your Reading List?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Tinder the On-Line Dating App

My first episode of the “Taylor Love Tells All, Love’s Tragic Comedy” show aired Saturday, July 27, 2013 and seems like eons ago.  It was about on-line dating and if you saw that episode you discovered that my on-line dating experiences were less than pleasant.


But as it happens I’ve heard some success stories, and yes still hearing some horror stories but decided that I might just give it another try. And I mean a real try. Not just setting up an on-line profile and just seeing if I get a flirt or a wink and never reciprocating, but really going all out, if only for research sake.


So, a colleague told me about a new dating app called “Tinder,” where her daughter has had some failure and some success but overall liking the results. So began my Google research. Huffington Post had an entire article on Tinder and Wikipedia had a few things to say, but it seems to be so new (released in September 2012) that the vote may still be out.


I sat with my new Samsung Note 3 (and yes it is available on the iPhone too) and downloaded the app. That was simple enough. It feeds off your Facebook page so I guess if you don’t have Facebook you can’t use the app. It populated my profile pic I have on Facebook, my age again from Facebook, and my name; using my first name only. Cool. Wait a minute, my age is wrong, I never put my correct birthdate on my Facebook profile, which shocked me considering I’m a die heart Scorpio and wants everyone to know. So if you do decide to download make sure that your Facebook information is accurate or at least reflects what you want shown on your Tinder profile.


Tinder also, taps in to your likes and interests and mutual friends that might be on Tinder as well. So if you see someone you like you swipe their picture to the right, if they see your pic and like you and swipe to the right too then you are a match. Then it will tell you and them if you have like interests. You get the pic right?  Once there is a match then you are able to communicate by text through the Tinder app. None of your Tinder activity is posted or shared on Facebook, that’s a plus too.


Okay back to me. I open the app and uploaded a few additional pics and started swiping. Five left for “No”, two right for “Like” and there it began. Oh, I forgot to tell you to set up your profile. Takes 3 minutes max unless you’re a real thinker, then maybe Tinder might not be for you. Just kidding. Anyway, after a few swipes here and there I get one match, then two matches, now up to five in three days.


Now the next step, contact. I wait as a lady should for them to reach out to me. One I ended up blocking, way to young, I guess he had the wrong birthdate on Facebook too. I knew I shouldn’t swipe without my glasses.  Another I might need to block as well, too many type-o’s. I’ll give him one more text before I decide (there is no spell check on Tinder) so proof your message before you push send. Two matches I haven’t heard from and one who I will call “R” who we’ve sent messages back and forth the past three days. Nothing substantial, just the usual banter and pleasantries.


For now it’s fun and something to do during commercials on the TV, but I don’t see myself meeting someone and falling in love, Tinder just doesn’t give me that feel. But who knows. I will keep you posted.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Johnny's Half Shell Happy Hour

Looking for something to do tonight? With your friends, your boo or just by yourself? 

I recommend Johnny's Half Shell at 400 North Capitol St., NW. It has a New Orleans flare, and the happy hour menu is really reasonable without skimping on flavor.

Ambiance? Modern with a political and corporate vibe, but not pretentious.

Its easy to get to after work, just hop the red line train to Union Station, but they have complimentary parking as well. I'd call and check on that if you decide to drive. Their number is 202.737.0400. 

Definitely a thumbs up!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Reformatted and Rejuvenated for 2014

The "Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy" show is reformatted and rejuvenated for 2014. We're getting back to our original platform: Dating, Relationships, and hanging out in our Nation's Capital. We will be taping around town and l will be providing commentary on what’s hot and what’s not, and what people are saying about their dating and relationship experiences.

We’re also talking about Women’s issues and community activism in our segment, “Let’s Talk w/Wanda” to keep us balanced and connected to what’s important to women and our community.

You can see what we’re doing by following or subscribing at:what's hot and what's not, and talking all things dating and relationships.

And just to balance things out we’ll also discuss Women’s issues and community activism in our segment "Let's Talk w/Wanda." See you on the other side.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Episode 26 ~ "Health, Fitness & the Zumba Craze"

Check out my latest episode of the “Taylor Love Tells All, Love’s Tragic Comedy” show every Saturday, from 11am – Noon on ListenVisionLive.com.

Wanda a.k.a. The Party Planner and I had a good time on the show with Shonn and Jenn of “Fit2BStrong Zumba Fitness”. They brought one of their students Antonette, to talk about her fitness journey and why she decided on Zumba.

For me, fitness has been a constant journey. I try to go to the gym three times a week and eat healthy. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t, but I get right back in there.

So no matter what your fitness & health routine, or struggles you can start fresh every day. And remember, something is better than nothing, in terms of working out that is.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Social Media Accounts

My oh My, there are so many accounts we have to keep up with if we want to stay relevant and connected.

First there is Facebook. I've been told that's for us older folks, sharing pics of the grands, family gatherings, so forth and so on. You get my drift. I guess it became too much information for young minds to process in a nano-second. By the way, what happened to MySpace?

Then there's Twitter. I've found it to be like a steady stream of pre-written tweets that have no one monitoring them on the other side. Just set the schedule, make a list of tweets, and let it rip. Yes there are some real people that have real tweets, but you gotta really sift through to find realness. Maybe I need to go through and see who I'm following and purge the robots. But I remember when I first set-up my account, I followed anyone in hopes that I would generate more followers. It worked, but now I have to go through pages of tweets to get to the people or organizations I'm really interested in. I'm sure there is a way to "Favorite" my favorites, but who has time for that?

Instagram is quickly becoming my favorite. A snapshot and a quick blurb sums it up. What I don't like about Instagram or what I haven't figured out is how to send a personal message. Is their an inbox for that? And if you like my photo or comment on it I want all my followers to be alerted that I'm the bomb. Are people still saying that, "I'm the bomb?"

And don't get me started on YouTube. I could make videos featuring mwah all day long. I do occasionally check out other peoples videos, but I always end up looking at me. I'm so interesting. I also like to see how many views I've gotten. What? Only 4 views? And all 4 of those were probably views from me, but I don't care. I'm so popular in my own mind. Don't forget to "Subscribe!"

Last but not least is the blog. I like a blog that really doesn't look like a blog. It disguises itself as a website or newsletter. My blog isn't like that. You know at first glance it's a blog. I'm cool with that. It is what it is (I think I'm not going to use that phrase any more in 2014, so played). But blogging for me is like therapy. I journal everyday and blogging lets me share my thoughts with you kind of innocuously.

So if you want to follow me or subscribe to my YouTube channel I'd love to have you, voyeurs and participants alike. And if you want me to do the same for you, let me know, I'll be glad to oblige.

Share the LOVE!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Puttng Pen2Paper ~ Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Yeah I know it’s already six days in to the New Year. It’s been a bit of struggle getting to this post. Here is a list of my excuses, I mean reasons:

·       I had bronchitis for two and a half weeks before and during Christmas,

·       My computer had a virus so I couldn’t make a post,

·       I switched from my iPhone to the Samsung Note3 and couldn’t figure out how to blog from my new phone,

·       My son and grand-son came to stay with me during the holidays,

·       I had to take more naps than usual.

All true! But now I’m back….

So now it is 2014 and I’ve resolved to:

·       Do things Bigger and Better than I did in 2013 (whatever that means, but it sounds good),

·       Finish My Novel,

·       Send my treatment for the “Taylor Love Tells All, Love’s Tragic Comedy” show to every network I can find, and

·       Take the Taylor Love show to another level (how many levels are there?)


Anyway, I’d like to wish you and yours a Happy New Year and many more to come.