Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Taylor Love Tells All ~ Tinder the On-Line Dating App

My first episode of the “Taylor Love Tells All, Love’s Tragic Comedy” show aired Saturday, July 27, 2013 and seems like eons ago.  It was about on-line dating and if you saw that episode you discovered that my on-line dating experiences were less than pleasant.


But as it happens I’ve heard some success stories, and yes still hearing some horror stories but decided that I might just give it another try. And I mean a real try. Not just setting up an on-line profile and just seeing if I get a flirt or a wink and never reciprocating, but really going all out, if only for research sake.


So, a colleague told me about a new dating app called “Tinder,” where her daughter has had some failure and some success but overall liking the results. So began my Google research. Huffington Post had an entire article on Tinder and Wikipedia had a few things to say, but it seems to be so new (released in September 2012) that the vote may still be out.


I sat with my new Samsung Note 3 (and yes it is available on the iPhone too) and downloaded the app. That was simple enough. It feeds off your Facebook page so I guess if you don’t have Facebook you can’t use the app. It populated my profile pic I have on Facebook, my age again from Facebook, and my name; using my first name only. Cool. Wait a minute, my age is wrong, I never put my correct birthdate on my Facebook profile, which shocked me considering I’m a die heart Scorpio and wants everyone to know. So if you do decide to download make sure that your Facebook information is accurate or at least reflects what you want shown on your Tinder profile.


Tinder also, taps in to your likes and interests and mutual friends that might be on Tinder as well. So if you see someone you like you swipe their picture to the right, if they see your pic and like you and swipe to the right too then you are a match. Then it will tell you and them if you have like interests. You get the pic right?  Once there is a match then you are able to communicate by text through the Tinder app. None of your Tinder activity is posted or shared on Facebook, that’s a plus too.


Okay back to me. I open the app and uploaded a few additional pics and started swiping. Five left for “No”, two right for “Like” and there it began. Oh, I forgot to tell you to set up your profile. Takes 3 minutes max unless you’re a real thinker, then maybe Tinder might not be for you. Just kidding. Anyway, after a few swipes here and there I get one match, then two matches, now up to five in three days.


Now the next step, contact. I wait as a lady should for them to reach out to me. One I ended up blocking, way to young, I guess he had the wrong birthdate on Facebook too. I knew I shouldn’t swipe without my glasses.  Another I might need to block as well, too many type-o’s. I’ll give him one more text before I decide (there is no spell check on Tinder) so proof your message before you push send. Two matches I haven’t heard from and one who I will call “R” who we’ve sent messages back and forth the past three days. Nothing substantial, just the usual banter and pleasantries.


For now it’s fun and something to do during commercials on the TV, but I don’t see myself meeting someone and falling in love, Tinder just doesn’t give me that feel. But who knows. I will keep you posted.


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