Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Friday, September 21, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I give myself the once over in the mirror, not bad. I have on my high waisted black pencil skirt, a white cotton boyfriend shirt and some black patent leather pumps. I turn around and check out the view from the back. Damn, I could use a little more junk in my trunk, oh well.

I grab my purse off the bed and look inside, smartrip card; check, cell phone; check, wallet; check, house keys; check. I have all the essentials, and head for the door. Dag it, I forgot my journal, and run back to my bedroom and grab my journal off the nightstand.

My stomach is bubbling ‘cause my nerves are out of control and on top of that the train is stuck between Addison Road station and Capital Heights, so that’s not helping the situation one bit. I am so blown right about now.

I pull out my journal, put on my reading glasses and go over my notes. As I read over the information Amari gave me the train begins to chug ahead. Finally! Boy, this is some good stuff, but I can’t show my hand right away, first I have to see what Ian has in store for me. For all I know I just might be a copy and coffee girl, but that’s cool too. I have no problem starting at the bottom, but trust me if I’m getting coffee and making copies it won’t be for long. I jot a few notes in the margins; dates, places, who said what when, those kinds of things. Amari is cool and all, but I got to check some facts before I lay all this on the table.

Jeez, I look up from my journal and we’re at L’Enfant Plaza station and people are pouring in. I’m so distracted that I can’t focus and put the glasses back in their case, my journal in my purse, and put my sunglasses on so I can stare at some of the interesting folks on the train. The human condition is hilarious. People are pushing and shoving, some are rude and cussing and some are courteous and apologetic, I laugh to myself at the differences in people and wonder what kind of morning they’ve had before they set out on their journey. I make a mental note to myself to write about the first day of the rest of my life; I can be so corny.

Finally I’m at McPherson station. It seems like I’ve been on this train for a lifetime and not feeling as fresh as I did when I started out. Riding on Metro can do that to you. I exit the train and stand in the middle of the platform trying to figure out if I should go left or right. Boy I hate when other people do that, “Get out of the damn way,” I always think to myself. I take the “I” street exit since I’m going to the 1400 block of I street. I’m so smart.

Trying to get out of the station feels like cows going to slaughter or like human life as we know it is headed towards some alien mother ship. It seems as though we are all headed in the same direction, to our doom.

Finally sunshine, being underground has some kind of adverse effect on me, but I’m okay, no killing machine or alien mother ship is waiting to suck me in.

 I’m standing at the intersection of 14th and I streets, NW. I turn left up “I” street and check the numbers on the buildings, 1402, 1406, 1408…. at least I’m on the right side of the street. 1410, 1412, 1414, I’m here, standing in front of the building that houses Power House.

To Be Continued….

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