Taylor Love Tells All

~Taylor Love Tells All, Love's Tragic Comedy

Sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying. Subscribe to my YouTube channel "Taylor Love Tells All" to see what's hot and what's not in dating and relationships.

~I also share current projects, what I'm reading, and general discussions on current events, and of course my muses.

~ Why is my Blog called "Pen2PaperToo?" Simple. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to "Taylor Love Tells All..." Lol

Check out my website: www.TaylorLoveTellsAll.com


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Dating Debacles of 2012

Pretty soon it will be 2013 and the new year will offer all new dating opportunities. Hopefully there will be more dreams come true then debacles.
Here are my top Dating Debacles of 2012:

5.  No Commitment - During the first five minutes of the first conversation he says that he’s not looking for a relationship, doesn’t want to be committed, and never wants to get married. After lunch he texts to say he’d like to be invited over for dinner someday. I don’t think so.

4.  Wow, he won a second a term! – He lives across the country and has been promising to visit for over a year and has come up with a multitude of excuses why he just can’t make it. The election comes and Obama is back in for his second term. The phone rings and it’s him asking if he can stay with you so that he can take part in the inauguration activities. Please…

3.  On-Line Dating - You met him on-line and the conversation was flowing. You can’t believe that he might be the one. He sends a picture but it’s grainy and really not clear enough to see all that you want or need to see. Finally the day comes when you meet, and he’s handicap and a tad short. Not that we should discriminate against the handicapped but I think this is something you should mention to someone instead of springing it on them on a first date. Wouldn’t you want to know if I had a third eye? Can someone say “Catfish”?

2.  Cheaters - He cheats on you and you still decide to have his child. You put him out, but he keeps showing up on your doorstep and you let him back in. If a dog messes on your carpet and you give it a treat it’s going to keep messing on that carpet. Smack that cheater on the nose with a newspaper and stop rewarding bad behavior.

And my Number 1 Dating Debacle of 2012

1.  Joe Schmoe - You met him in the club. He’s fine and got swagger, but no job, no car and no place of his own, but you decide to BUN this loser. And to further propagate the myth that older, professional women are desperate for a man you invite your friends and random acquaintances (all women) over to your house to meet him, and show him off like a shiny new car. He shows up over an hour late and announces that he’s late because he had to stop and buy some condoms. He is best kept under the sheets in the bedroom and not at the dinner table.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ First Impressions


You only have one chance to make a first impression. Make it a good one.


I was recently introduced to a gentleman by a friend. The three of us were riding metro, she introduced me and they chatted for a while. He showed us cell phone pictures that he’d taken in New York at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and I engaged him in light banter.


We depart the train at the same station, exchange “it was a pleasure to meet you”, and went our separate ways.

I immediately went in to social research mode (getting the 411) regarding his situation. “He’s a very nice guy, divorced, good job, nice home…” Sounds interesting right? So I tell her to give him my number.

Fast forward….

He tells my girlfriend to give me his number and I should call in the afternoon because he has meetings in the morning. I’ll bite, since I showed the initial interest, I’ll make the first call. Typically I wouldn’t.

I call, he doesn’t answer, I make a mental note regarding his voice mail: where he works, his title, how his voice sounds. About an hour later he calls, we exchange pleasantries. I ask about his place of employment and the flood gates open: I’m in charge of this, I’m in charge of that. I know that when we meet new people some like to verbalize their resume, I suggest you don’t.

So I interrupt, and ask him if he’d like to have lunch with me the following week. And here is where it goes off in to a ditch. “Um, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but, I really don’t remember what you look like.” My mouth flies open but no words come out. “But, I don’t mind meeting new friends so….” Again I interrupt, “You don’t remember me?” Me the star, the charmer, the apple of everyone’s eye? How is that even possible? I’m unforgettable. I guess not. “How about I send you a picture of myself to your cell phone, if you don’t mind sharing your number.” A little cute sarcasm, he didn’t laugh. I’m shaking my head, and just want to hang the damn phone up at this point. “Sure, send me a picture,” and he gives me his number. I tell him that if he doesn’t like what he sees he can tell me that he has meeting from now to the end of next year, and if he likes what he sees we will meet next week. I think I heard a slight chuckle before he went in to his “I’m not looking for a relationship speech.” He went on to tell me he is divorced, he likes his space, he doesn’t want drama, but enjoys female companionship.  Pump your brakes brother, it’s just lunch, not a meeting at a cryogenic clinic to let your sperm and my eggs meet in procreation bliss. When he takes a pause to take a breath I jump right in. “I’m not looking for a husband, a baby daddy, and I don’t want your ass print on my couch either, let’s just get through lunch.” I tell him I have to go and bid him farewell.

Moments later my cell phone buzzes, “Thanks for the photo. I remember you. Next week is good for me. Noon is the best time. Feel free to call me.”

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Relationship Red Flags

Relationship Red Flags

Navigating the road to love can be tricky, so you need to be aware of the signs you see during your journey, especially the Red Flags. Although there are a myriad of signs, I will just name a few.


1.   He still lives at home

Okay I get it. Situations may arise in one’s life that causes them to return to the nest. Illness, losing a job, elderly parents, I get that. Well losing a job, I’d have to think on that one, but anyway there are some legitimate reasons why a man is still living at home. So is living at home really a red flag?
Yes! Men who still live at home are in no hurry to grow up, become independent or financially responsible. Are those things you would want in a future partner? If you’re not careful he’ll trade in his momma’s couch for yours.

2.  He never invites you over
“My place is a mess. I live in a bad neighborhood. My boy is going through some relationship problems and is on my couch.” Yeah right.

If he never wants you to come over and always wants to hang out at your place ask yourself why. Does he have a family he’s not telling you about, is he in a relationship with someone else?  Or refer to Relationship Red Flag #1 “He still lives at home.”

3.  He constantly talks bad about an ex

So he had a bad relationship, she cheated, she lied, she slept with his friends. He’s hurt and is learning how to trust again. BUT, you’re not his therapist.

It could be that he has not gotten over her. He may deflect his animosity about his ex on to you. He may control you because she betrayed hm.

Your relationship should be about you two; not you, him and her.

In all things that you do look at the signs, don’t ignore them. Weigh the pros and cons. Ask yourself would you want your daughter, sister or best friend to be in a relationship with this person?


Follow your instincts, don’t ignore them. It’s the universes way of alerting you to “Red Flags are Ahead!”


Friday, November 2, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Love vs Lust

Our eyes meet from across the room and it is love at first sight, or is it? Do you know the signs of Love vs Lust?


You're totally focused on a person's looks and body.
You're interested in having sex, but not in having conversations.
You'd rather keep the relationship on a fantasy level, not discuss real feelings.
You want to leave soon after sex rather than cuddling or breakfast the next morning.
You are lovers, but not friends.


You want to spend quality time together other than sex.
You get lost in conversations and forget about the hours passing.
You want to honestly listen to each other's feelings, make each other happy.
He or she motivates you to be a better person.
You want to get to meet his or her family and friends.

Sometimes we see what we want to see, the lines between love and lust can be blurred. But as time passes it becomes clearer whether you or they were in love or lust.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Writing Series ~ Green Coffee Bean Extract

Yes I know, I'm three days late reporting my weight after taking my Green Coffee Bean Extract supplements. I did weigh myself on Friday, October 19th and I am sad to report there was no weight loss.

Maybe it is too soon, after all one week is a short period of time for it to kick in; you think?

And this past weekend I ate and drank way more than I should have so I won't even tell you where my weight is today.

But I will persevere. Onward and Upward, well maybe downward. In any event, I will be popping another pill tomorrow, salad for lunch and Zumba after work. But didn't Dr. Oz say I didn't have to do a thing but take the pill and shed the pounds? Well I will do my part, but those Green Coffee Bean Extract supplements had better kick in real soon before it is time to reorder.

Just Saying....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Writing Series ~ Green Coffee Bean Extract

It's been four days and eight tablets later since I started taking Green Coffee Bean Extract tablets. According to the studies I should loose approximately 17.5 pounds in 22 weeks. Twenty-two weeks is the week of March 10, 2013. And no, I'm not going to share my current weight with you, but I will let you know how many pounds I loose weekly. Friday, October 19th will be my first check-in.

So far I don't experience any jitters or ill effects. I do on the other hand feel more energetic and excited about working out than I did before (probably the placebo effect). Whatever works.

If you decide to give them a try remember they have to have specific components, according to Dr. Oz, check out his web-site for additional information. Or you can just check in with me periodically to see how my weight loss journey is progressing.

Just Saying.....

Monday, October 1, 2012

Writing Series ~ Puerto Rico

I am two days away from laying on the sandy beaches of Puerto Rico. I plan on doing absolutely nothing or doing absolutely everything. My choice.

I'm packing a few books, my journal, my spirit and soul and heading off to a much needed vacation.

I may blog, I may not. I might post my status on Facebook or maybe I won't. To tweet or not to tweet.

In any event, I will take time out each day to think of you and hopefully you will do the same.

Just Saying.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I’m standing at the concierge desk wondering if I need to be signed in, escorted up, frisked, felt up or what? “Man, I ain’t got time for this shit early this morning. I’m at work; where the hell you think I’m at?”
“Excuse me,” I interrupt. “I ain’t try to hear all that noise, I ain’t even look at my cell phone until I got here this morning.”
“Excuse me,” I say again but this time knocking on the counter with my knuckles. “By man!” and he pushes the end button on his cell and looks up at me. Damn, he’s fine for a youngin’ but fine nonetheless.
“Good morning, do I need to sign in or be escorted to Power House?” “Naw,” he says emotionless and unmoved by my beauty. Oh well his lost.
I turn and head towards the elevator bank and read the names on the gold list of offices and suite numbers on the wall.  Power House, Suite 1028. I step in to the elevator and push the number ten. When the doors close I fix myself using the mirrored elevator doors. My spikes are spot on, I smooth the wrinkles out in my skirt, and rub the toes of my shoes on the back of my hose to give them a polished look.
“Ding,” the doors open, and I almost step out, but realize I’m on the eighth floor instead of the tenth. A young lady steps in, and doesn’t push any buttons. “Where the hell is she going?” I ask myself.
“Ding,” finally the tenth floor and we both exit. She makes a right down the hall, and I’m left standing there looking at the arrows pointing from left to right. "Damn, I should have said something to her, another missed opportunity," I said to myself. You never know who is who and I need to know that with the quickness.
To Be Continued.....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Interracial Dating

How many different flavors of ice cream do you like? How many types of food make you salivate? How many colors in the rainbow make you smile? Diversity is one of the many pleasures that the world has to offer so why should you limit your relationships to one race or ethnicity?

Me personally have never dated outside of my race, not because of any preconceived notions or taboos, just simply because no one has asked me. It could be that I haven’t been in the right places or in the right circumstances to meet someone. Maybe I don’t seem approachable; I’m not sure what keeps them at bay, but I’m ready to explore and experience the different colors of the rainbow and all that it has to offer.

Recently I joined Interracial Dating and Social Connections (IDSocialConnect) based in Arlington, VA in hopes of expanding my horizons.

I reached out to Chasta Piatakovas, the organizer of IDSocialConnect, to get some advice for myself and others who are ready and willing to diversify but not sure where to begin.

Here’s what she shared:
“I’ve always dated interracially. I’m a Black woman that doesn’t limit myself to dating one particular race. Being single isn’t easy and I think when singles say no to dating outside their race it greatly limits their chances to finding Mr. or Ms. Right.
Diversifying your dating pool simply means allowing yourself to be open to new experiences, and not allowing race to be a dating preference. Spend time where the singles hang out and remember to be flirtatious and open-minded. Men approach women (regardless of race) who display open body language (i.e., sitting legs apart, giving eye contact, playing with hair, and exposing neck and inner wrists). No matter how beautiful you are, if you look intimidating or uninterested, men—black or non-black—will not approach you.”

Please check out IDSocialConnect at www.meetup.com/idsocialconnect.IDSocialConnect is the largest interracial singles and second largest interracial dating Meetup Group with 1,142 members.

small IDSocialConnect logo.gif

Friday, September 21, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I give myself the once over in the mirror, not bad. I have on my high waisted black pencil skirt, a white cotton boyfriend shirt and some black patent leather pumps. I turn around and check out the view from the back. Damn, I could use a little more junk in my trunk, oh well.

I grab my purse off the bed and look inside, smartrip card; check, cell phone; check, wallet; check, house keys; check. I have all the essentials, and head for the door. Dag it, I forgot my journal, and run back to my bedroom and grab my journal off the nightstand.

My stomach is bubbling ‘cause my nerves are out of control and on top of that the train is stuck between Addison Road station and Capital Heights, so that’s not helping the situation one bit. I am so blown right about now.

I pull out my journal, put on my reading glasses and go over my notes. As I read over the information Amari gave me the train begins to chug ahead. Finally! Boy, this is some good stuff, but I can’t show my hand right away, first I have to see what Ian has in store for me. For all I know I just might be a copy and coffee girl, but that’s cool too. I have no problem starting at the bottom, but trust me if I’m getting coffee and making copies it won’t be for long. I jot a few notes in the margins; dates, places, who said what when, those kinds of things. Amari is cool and all, but I got to check some facts before I lay all this on the table.

Jeez, I look up from my journal and we’re at L’Enfant Plaza station and people are pouring in. I’m so distracted that I can’t focus and put the glasses back in their case, my journal in my purse, and put my sunglasses on so I can stare at some of the interesting folks on the train. The human condition is hilarious. People are pushing and shoving, some are rude and cussing and some are courteous and apologetic, I laugh to myself at the differences in people and wonder what kind of morning they’ve had before they set out on their journey. I make a mental note to myself to write about the first day of the rest of my life; I can be so corny.

Finally I’m at McPherson station. It seems like I’ve been on this train for a lifetime and not feeling as fresh as I did when I started out. Riding on Metro can do that to you. I exit the train and stand in the middle of the platform trying to figure out if I should go left or right. Boy I hate when other people do that, “Get out of the damn way,” I always think to myself. I take the “I” street exit since I’m going to the 1400 block of I street. I’m so smart.

Trying to get out of the station feels like cows going to slaughter or like human life as we know it is headed towards some alien mother ship. It seems as though we are all headed in the same direction, to our doom.

Finally sunshine, being underground has some kind of adverse effect on me, but I’m okay, no killing machine or alien mother ship is waiting to suck me in.

 I’m standing at the intersection of 14th and I streets, NW. I turn left up “I” street and check the numbers on the buildings, 1402, 1406, 1408…. at least I’m on the right side of the street. 1410, 1412, 1414, I’m here, standing in front of the building that houses Power House.

To Be Continued….

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Writing Series ~ Dr. Oz says...

I love Dr. Oz, I really do. I DVR his show, take copious notes when I’m watching, order products based on his recommendations, and believe he is knowledgeable and sincere.

In fact I drank Safflower oil to reduce belly fat, wrapped my thighs in cellophane after applying a kelp and clay mask solution, and drank green tea by the cup full.

Well, I was watching the show the other day and he recommended drinking four cups of black tea a day. What happened to the green tea? 

Then he did a segment about Green Coffee extract and how it is the new big thing in weight loss management. Really?

I shrug.

Is there any supplement or remedy that really reduces belly fat, gets rid of cellulite, and helps you lose weight? Who knows?

But I tell you this, I’ll try one more thing. I’ve ordered that Green Coffee extract and we’ll see what happens. I can’t take the chance that this one just might work.

Just Saying…..

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Writing Series ~ Hey You Stole My Bike!

Yesterday I was walking in Capital Hill near Eastern Market when I saw a sign on a dry erase board in front of a home saying "Hey you stole my bike...."

I chuckled at first, then I got angry. What's wrong with people? What kind of person goes on to another's property and steals something? A thief you say? The question is rhetorical silly.

As much as I love living in the city, it is things like this that make me shake my head. You can't turn your back or drop your guard for a second lest you be separated from your belongings.

It's not that these types of things don't happen in the suburbs or even in the country (down south), but it seems that every moment of everyday in the city you've got to have your head on swivel, purse double tied in a knot around your shoulder, mace in your hand with the safety off, and sneakers on your feet just in case you have to make a run for it.

Just Saying....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ What's Your Sign?

Do you believe that astrological signs have an affect on your intimate relationships?

When you meet someone new do you ask, "What's Your Sign?" then decide whether or not to take it to the next level.

Is it something that only Ol' Schoolers still consider? Me, I don't ask "What's Your Sign?" anymore, I try to do it covertly by asking "What's Your Birthday?" then take it from there.

I've done some research over the years and it could be coincidental, or it could be that we see what we want to see in others, but I will share some successful and some not so successfull pairings and let you be the judge based on your own personal experiences.

Zodiac Sign                                           Compatible                                 Incompatible

Aries                                                      Gemini, Leo,                               Cancer,
                                                               Sagittarius, Aquarius                  Capricorn

Taurus                                                  Cancer, Virgo,                             Leo, Aquarius
                                                              Capricorn, Pisces 

Gemini                                                  Aries, Leo, Libra,                        Virgo, Pisces

 Cancer                                                Taurus, Virgo,                              Aries, Libra
                                                              Scorpio, Pisces       

Leo                                                       Aries, Gemini,                             Taurus, Scorpio
                                                             Libra, Sagittarius   

Virgo                                                   Taurus, Cancer,                            Gemini,
                                                             Scorpio, Capricorn,                      Sagittarius
                                                             Gemini, Leo

Libra                                                   Sagittarius, Aquarius                    Cancer,

Scorpio                                               Cancer, Virgo,                              Leo, Aquarius
                                                            Capricorn, Pisces

Sagittarius                                         Aries, Leo, Libra                         Virgo, Pisces

Capricorn                                         Taurus, Virgo,                              Aries, Libra
                                                           Scorpio, Pisces

Aquarius                                          Aries, Gemini,                             Scorpio, Taurus

Pisces                                               Taurus, Cancer,                            Gemini, Sagittarius
                                                         Scorpio, Capricorn

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ The Erogenous Zone

This is the point where you put the kids to bed or put on the parental controls.

There have been lots of talk about Erogenous Zones and the G-Spot.

If you are a woman that is intimately in tune with her body than you can readily identify your Erogenous Zone and your G-Spot.

If you are not that woman than you might need some guidance.

In a nutshell, no pun intended, the Erogenous Zone is a place on your body that gives you sexual stimulation, pleasure, or arousal. It can be anywhere, your neck, the palm of your hand, the bottom of your feet. Everyones' zone is different and there could be many or few.

On the other hand the G-Spot is, according to medical authorities, located within the walls of the vagina. Some women would argue that point.

But whether it is your Erogenous Zones or G-Spot that gives you the most pleasure, you can't let your partner know if you don't know.

It's your body. Get in touch with it, learn what makes it move, what makes it sing, and what makes it cry.

If you don't know then neither will he.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

Monday morning, 6:00 am and the buzz of the alarm clock startles me from my sleep.  Damn, I’m so tired, I know I should’ve taken my behind to sleep last night. I fling my legs over the side of the bed and force myself to sit erect. Maybe I can get five more minutes, no way, no how. Today is my first day at Power House and I want to be early and I want to bring it big time. 

I hit the bathroom, plug in the flat iron, turn on the shower, and brush my teeth. Now I’m starting to feel connected. As I step in the shower, my mind races to last night. Mental note: don’t forget to grab your journal. If Ian wants a story idea, I’ve got one for him. All that drama between Amari, my old boss K.C. and Councilmember Gray is sure to secure me a by-line, but I gotta play it just right. Hell, she gave me enough dirt to fill an entire magazine for issues to come, and I’m gonna spoon feed it to them like no body’s business.

Thank God I got my clothes ready last night ‘cause I sure don’t feel like hooking up a winning outfit this morning. Got to put on my smell goods, CoCo Chanel drives them crazy. Not that I’m trying to hook up with Ian or anything like that but, I saw him checking me out and he’s got something about him that turns me on. Keep it professional Dominik, no hanky panky. I chuckle to myself as I flat iron some spikes on the top of my hair. I’m feeling a little punk rock-ish today.

The owner and editor Ian Marcel (which I’m sure is a pseudonym) is one of the District’s elite. You know the type, always in black to look mysterious, talks in circles so as to not give out any info that can be traced back to him, and an avid listener. Something about him draws you in and the next thing you know, you’re telling him how you scored some heroin from a Capitol Hill Page.

No one knows how he maneuvered with ease throughout the city, being invited to the most reclusive parties, was told inner most secrets by those who keep this city running, and always seemingly in the right place at the right time. But there he was, always on the cusp of something big. I just know that’s where I want to be, right now, front and center. I’m determined to make my mark and make it stick, no matter what the cost. Okay maybe there are some things I might not be willing to do, but right here and right now I’m trying to make it happen. Opportunities like this only happen once in a life time and I’m gonna work it for all it’s worth.

To Be Continued.... 



Friday, September 7, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I look at the clock again, 2:50 am; I better get some shut eye. My mind is still racing and I can’t get comfortable. I lay still thinking about Amari and how we met. Part of me feels like it was a lifetime ago while part of me feels like it was just yesterday. My thoughts take me to my past as I drift to sleep:

I’ve been told all my life to follow my passion. To tap in to what makes me tick, what makes me wake up in the morning and excites me to the core. When I think back, there have always been two things that made me move forward, things that made me dream, and things I yearned for, but never fully attained. They were teaching and writing.

 I remember one year I got a chalk board for Christmas. It was kept in my Grand-Mother’s basement because that was the only place there was room for it. As a child it was bigger than life. Each day I made my lesson plan, and tutored the imaginary students that sat before me. That black board, its’ chalk and eraser gave me the thirst for knowledge, I couldn’t let my students down, they depended on me, they had the same thirst I had, knowing.

 And then there was writing.  When I found my old diary I was amazed that my first entry was made in 1965 documenting my confessions to my Parish’s priest and my impure thoughts about a boy in my class that I no longer have a recollection of. It continued with how many Hail Mary’s and the Lord’s Prayers that I needed to complete to cleanse my soul of the feelings I felt for the boy who sat next to me when I was six years old. Then there are no entries until April 4, 1968, when I was 8 years old. Martin Luther King had been assassinated and I wrote of my city, the District of Columbia, and how it was in turmoil through the eyes of a child. I remember the nuns from my elementary school ushering us to the outlining boundaries and praying for our safe journey home.

When my Grand-Mother passed away the family gathered there to divide the treasures that lay within that small brick, semi-attached row house, the same house that housed my chalk board, and my imaginary students. Damn where the hell did I put that diary.


To Be Continued…..

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ Dating A Co-Worker

Dating a Co-Worker

Are you contemplating, are currently, or have dated a co-worker?

The thought of it sends chills up my spine and makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention.

Oh the thrill of possibly getting caught when you sneak a kiss in the copy room, the rush of playing footsies in a staff meeting under the conference room table, its heart-pounding stuff, right? It just makes your heart sing.

But what about the ugly side?

You see him talking to another female as they go in to the supply closet. Really? She can’t get her own paper clips.

He sees you leaning over another guy’s desk and it appears that you’re showing a bit too much cleavage so now he’s giving you the silent treatment.

One thing is for sure, if you think it is going to stay a secret you are dead wrong.

So before you go gaga over the new guy two cubicles down know your companies policy on fraternization, because at the end of the day you have to determine if this office fling is worth your livelihood and reputation.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

A Novel by Taylor Love

POWER HOUSE is the hottest magazine to hit the Nation’s Capital. Peel back the cover and enter the world of D.C.’s elite and powerful. Read about the rise and fall, the wicked and corrupt, and the underbelly of politics and big business. No one's secret is safe.
The Players:

Dominik Spencer always wanted to be a journalist, and finally she got her chance. She is determined to get her name in print no matter what.

Amari Black has lots of secrets she’s willing to share for a price and plots revenge on those who have wronged her.

Ian Marcel, the editor and owner of POWER HOUSE is naïve when it comes to the ladies but is ruthless when it comes to getting jaw dropping headlines for his premier magazine POWER HOUSE.
Stay plugged in to see who makes the sizzlin' pages of POWER HOUSE.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dating In DC 101 ~ The Perfect Date

What is your idea of the perfect date?

 Me, I'd like for my suitor to have a car pick me up. In the back would be Bellinis chilled in an ice bucket and a red crystal flute for me to sip from. Jazz is playing on the radio and the driver is wisking me off to an unknown location.

We arrive, and I'm still not sure where we are but it's at the waters edge. There is already a blanket and picnic basket waiting there for me. I look around for my true love. I look to my right, but suddenly he's on my left touching my shoulder.

He kneels down beside me and kisses me gently on the lips.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I look up from my journal and squint to see the clock on top of my T.V. Damn, it’s almost 1:00 am, but I’m in the zone and continue writing.

When the lobby door opens Amari is still holding on to my arm and is pulling me out of the elevator and across the lobby floor, then out to the sidewalk. She looks around to make sure no one is in ear shot. I finally break free of her grasp, “Your boss K.C. is one scandalous individual.” I’m looking at her perplexed because from what I’ve seen working with K.C. he has been nothing but kind and upstanding but be damn sure I’m listening to what Amari has to say. We cross the street and sit on a bench facing the Capital. She places her Fendi briefcase between us on the bench and rifles through it. I’m watching her but secretly thinking, “Damn that’s a nice ass briefcase.” She pulls a folder out and starts flipping through pieces of paper. “What are you looking for?” I ask. I don’t have all day to sit out here, I have work to do and I’m sure by now K.C. is looking for me. “K.C. introduced me to Councilman Bret Gray about four years ago at a function the law firm was hosting. I’ve known K.C. for years through a mutual friend. Anyway, Bret and I developed a relationship, well not a real relationship, but sort of.” Okay now I’m getting really irritated with the double talk. Just spit it out already. “I really considered him a special friend and introduced him to some of the things I was in to.” Now I’m thinking, so who is the shady one? What kinds of things is this girl in to. She continued, “I have this group of girls, you know, we hang out, go to all the A-list parties, and know all the right people...” She peers at me over the top of her huge sunglasses. “Well Bret was getting quite comfortable with me and my girls and we were comfortable with him.” The sound of a siren from a passing police cruiser breaks our focus. “You were saying?” I bring the attention back to the matter at hand. “Well I have a connect at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown…”


To Be Continued...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Writing Series ~ Just Saying

I've decided to increase my T.V. viewing IQ by watching the Republican Convention. No, I'm not a Republican, but we need to be versed on our competition's platform. No more Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, Mob Wives Chicago, Big Ang. No More! I'm only watching relevant programing that can enlighten me on cultural or politacal topics. Huh? What did you say? "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" comes on tonight. Sorry got to go and set my DVR.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

Then it hit me. Amari, Amari Black from my Junior High and High School years. So I was even more curious then I was before. I sit up straight in bed and start to jot down my recollection of the events.

I see K.C stand up and place his hands dead center of his desk. She does the same, but I can’t hear a word. He walks around to the side where she is standing and it looks like he is trying to calm her down, but she’s not having any of it. I’m standing at my desk facing his door and moving pieces of paper from one pile to the next in an attempt to position myself right in her path when she exits his office. I can see from the corner of my eye that she is headed my way. “And you tell Gray I want my damn money or I’m gonna turn his life inside out then upside down,” and slams K.C.’s door behind her.

I strategically step in front of her. “Amari?” She looks at me quizzically and I can see her nostrils still flaring from the conversation she had with K.C. “It’s me, Dominik from school.” She refocuses and regains her faculties. “Hey girl, you work here?” “Yeah, I work for K.C., you alright?” She grabs my arm and ushers me to the elevator. “Girl, this crew is in to some shady stuff so watch your back. The elevator door dings and we step in and she pushes the button to the lobby. “Your boss is…….”


To Be Continued....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Writing Series ~ Power House

I had some dirt on a few people, some casual acquaintances, and some fairly close friends. I need to tread lightly though, but my desire to be in print takes over my otherwise good sense and my loyalty to those who shared their innermost secrets. My other challenge is to present a story about someone who people want to read about.

I stare helplessly at the list of possible headliners and reach for my glass. I think back to my days clerking in a high powered law firm in D.C. Damn lawyers, I sure don’t want to be sued for divulging privileged information. Just as I’m about to put the pen down and pick the T.V. remote up I remember a particular day when I’m in one of the partner’s offices when a wild eyed, wild weaved woman interrupts our meeting. Keep in mind that the names are changed to protect the guilty. The woman screams at the top of her lungs totally ignoring my presence, “K.C., Gray stuck me with a $15,000.00 bill at the Four Seasons. That bastard kept saying he was going to take care of the bill and left me holding the tab.” I sidled out of the office and shut the door behind me. I recognized this woman from somewhere, but where?  
To Be Continued...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dating In DC 101

This morning I tweeted and posed a question on Facebook about what a lady does when she has to reliquish herself of her booty poppers. We ladies use things like: wigs, weaves, contacts, booty poopers, gel nails, demi-bras and what have you as accessories. I too have used a few things to accentuate my attributes or lack there of. So what?

But now you've met a nice gentleman, been seing him on a regular basis and he thinks your just dandy, with your big bootyl, your long tresses and green eyes. What a catch you are. He's telling his family and friends all about you. And of course, he's exagerated your ethnic background, "I think her grand-father is Puerto Rican," or "I believe her grand-mother is Dominican." Remember it used to be Indian descent that was the hot flavor of the month. Not anymore, Hispanic is what's happening now.

Anyway, at some point if the relationship develops to an intimate one you will have to peel back all that is not biologically attached.

What do you say, what do you do? Do you go in the bathroom, take the hair piece off, pop the contacts out, sling the demi-bra over the hamper, and leave the booty poppers on the floor?

Just asking.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Wrting Series ~ Writer's Digest Prompt

Writer's Digest has a contest where they give you a prompt and you follow with an opening paragraph of 100 words or less.  Here goes:

"A nosy man eavesdrops on his co-workers and immediately regrets it."

My response:

As Kirk puts his ear closer to the copier room door he hears Tyler and Kaitlin talking in a hushed tone. "I heard Ms. Thompson talking to the Director and they said they are going to let Kirk go." He leans in a little closer not believing what he's heard, and the door flies open.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dating In DC 101

I had a great weekend. Friday night a few of my close girlfriends and I went to Bay Street Lounge in Lanham, Maryland. Happy hour is from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., so we got there around 7 p.m. Nothing much was happening so we were able to get prime seating right on the dance floor. The buffet was just being set out so we got our plates: fried chicken, potato salad, and collard greens, and our drinks. You have to buy a drink to get a red ticket for the buffet, so remember to do that first.

We looked around and wondered if anyone was going to show up. By 7:59 p.m. (8:00 p.m. is when you have to start paying), the place was buzzing.

We danced, drank and had great conversation. There's an equal amount of men and women, singles and couples, so a great venue to take your sweetie, or meet someone new.

If you're looking for a mature crowd that aren't afraid to mix and mingle, and want to dance, dance, dance, Bay Street Lounge at the Best Western Hotel in Lanham, MD will not disappoint.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dating In DC 101

Today one of my friends asked if I would want my son to date a woman like me, "Hell No," excuse my language. But it got me thinking. I like who I am as a person, I enjoy being with me, I really don't have any drama or hang-ups to speak of, but I know that who I am is not who he needs. And that's okay.

As I thought about it a little more, it presented me with more questions than answers. Why do women date men that they wouldn't dare accept as their daughter's mate? Why do men treat women disrespectfully, but would kill if a another man treated their daughter that way? Why?

I guess the logical answer is that we want more for our children. Better careers, better education, better lives, and better relationships. What we need to remember is that we as parents or role models set the example, and at the end of the day we should want more for ourselves.

Follow me on Twitter at Dating In DC 101.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pen2PaperToo: Urban Literature Under Review~"Schemin', Confessio...

Pen2PaperToo: Urban Literature Under Review~"Schemin', Confessio...: Schemin', Confessions of a Gold Digger by Andrea Blackstone 305 pages Published 2004 by Dream Weaver Press Urban Literature From the Ba...

Urban Literature Under Review~"Schemin', Confessions of a Gold Digger"

Schemin', Confessions of a Gold Digger by Andrea Blackstone
305 pages
Published 2004 by Dream Weaver Press
Urban Literature

From the Back Cover:

"Jalita Harrison is a nineteen-year-old biracial woman who was born into a dysfunctional environment, but aspired to overcome it. After raising herself on the streets of Baltimore, she decides she wants no part of a destructive lifestyle and is accepted into a college in Virginia. During Christmas break, she is left temporarily homeless and nearly penniless. As a result, Jalita returns to Baltimore, where people from her past double-cross her.

Frustrated and desperate, Jalita decides to start running game in the nearby suburbs, using her good looks, wit, and streeet smarts to survive. Shemin' becomes an addictive habit that leads her to abandon her college plans and self-imposed morality. When she and a handsome but engaged NBA basketball star agree to hook up on the down low, Jalita becomes part of a dangerous love triangle. Before it's all said and done, the script is flipped on each party involved and each person is left with the consequences of behaving badly."

My Review:

Jalita, Jalita, what a busy young lady. Initially I found this book to be a slow read, but found myself quickly wanting to turn one more page to see what antics this young vixen was up to. I was more than curious to find out what guy would be the next victim to fall prey to her beauty, curvaceous body and manipulative ways.

As she spun her web of deceit to get what she wanted, what she needed, and what she felt she deserved Jalita periodically reflected on her destructive behavior but rationalized that she would dish out what she had received in life, pain and disappointment. It isn't until one of her seedy relationships goes awry does she begin the process of true introspection, albeit too late for some involved.

What I Enjoy:

Ms. Blackstone paints vivid pictures of her characters and venues that allow me connect with the story in a way that brings it to life. She describes places that I can relate to as a native Washingtonian, while simultaneously giving visual dimensions to those who are not from this area.

Her characters have a definitive voice so they are easy to follow and allow the reader to understand their specific points of view. Because of those specific points of view I could easily move with them from scene to scene as she plays a virtual hide and seek with them.

What I Dislike:

Urban Literatures' story line is of drug dealers, golddiggers, pimps, prostitutes and the negative side of the African-American culture. Yes, I do understand the old saying "sex sells", but we as authors and as people need to go beyond that. Yes, we can incorporate it, but not have it the forefront of what we write about, what we watch on television, and what we read. This novel was stereotypical of the genre.

We can have our main character pull themselves up from all the adverstities that they are confronted with in life and make a miraclous turn around in the last chapter of the book. But, what I hope to see in the future is the successes carrying the storyline and the stench of urban life finding its place where it belongs, on the final pages of a novel.

You can learn more about Andrea Blackston and her other novels at www.dreamweaverpress.net.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pen2PaperToo: Writing Series ~ "Power House"

Pen2PaperToo: Writing Series ~ "Power House": Wow, what a coup to land an internship at the Nation's Capital premier magazine, Power House. Yeah me, Dominik Spencer from South East, ...

Writing Series ~ "Power House"

Wow, what a coup to land an internship at the Nation's Capital premier magazine, Power House. Yeah me, Dominik Spencer from South East, D.C is going to work for Power House, the newest, most talked about magazine in the District of Columbia. Who would have every thought that my journaling, writing, and talking about writing would land me this dream internship? Okay, it's not paying big money, but to be working with Ian Marcel is a dream come true. And to be doing investigative journalism is just icing on my cake.

I ran home and pulled out all the past issues I could find of the magazine, Congressman Found In Sex Club, Agency Whistleblower Takes Down Federal Agency, ExCon Killer Redeems Himself By Saving Lives. Oh the scandal, I was salivating! I laid in bed with the old magazines surrounding me and stared at the ceiling. What would be my first story? Could I deliver? What little salacious tidbits could I turn in to front page news? Hum, I took a sip of wine, pulled out my journal from my nightstand and began to jot down every little secret I had been told and could remember.

To Be Continued....

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pen2PaperToo: Dating In DC 101

Pen2PaperToo: Dating In DC 101: One of my exboyfriends contacted me by email and wanted to reconnect. Okay, I'll bite. We didn't have an ugly break-up, in fact I couldn't r...

Dating In DC 101

One of my exboyfriends contacted me by email and wanted to reconnect. Okay, I'll bite. We didn't have an ugly break-up, in fact I couldn't remember why we broke up at all. And, I had often wondered where he was and how he was doing. So I wrote back.

I invited him over to join me at the track early one Saturday morning and then cancelled in the wee hours of the morning before he was supposed to stop by. Not for any particular reason, just didn't feel like hanging out. Of course, he took it gingerly but expressed what I believed as sincere disappointment so we rescheduled.

Again, the track. I figured we would walk, talk, have a light breakfast and he could be on his way by noon so that I could get on with my day. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw him. It was like being with an old friend, not an old lover. He made a few romantic gestures, but I told him, that I'm just not in that place with him yet.

After our walk, while I fixed some fruit and toast he set-up my iPhone that had been sitting in the box on my coffee table, researched brackets so that he could mount my flat screen, thus securing him a next visit and was just a delight to be around.

Well he was back again Saturday, we went to Lowes to get a new shower head for my bathroom shower, had coffee and pastries at Starbucks, then when we go to my house he installed the shower head and downloaded some old school CDs on to my iPhone. All-in-all I kninda like having him around.

I'm not sure what the future holds for us, but he sure is working his way back in to the more than handyman zone.

I'll keep you posted.  Smooches!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Thanks for stopping by Pen2PpaperToo. So far the summer has been sizzling hot. It's not my favorite season, but others seem to love it so I persevere.

Now that you're here give me a few minutes of your time so that you can get to know me, know what I'm doing and what led me here.

Me, I'm an intrevert at heart and a voyeur by nature, although no one believes it, but it's true. I've been writing and journaling since I was in elementary school. In fact I recently found my diary where I'd written about walking home from school after the Martin Luther King, Jr. assasination and the mayhem I experienced on my neighborhood streets in South East, Washington, DC. Anyone from DC remembers the "Big Chair" from back in the day. That was my neighborhood, Anacostia.

I've always had three passions, writing, teaching, and fantasizing about a world of endless posibilities. Well I found that writing really encompasses them all. So there is where I begin.

As I went through life, journaling and writing I found that I mostly jotted down poignant moments that were relationship driven. I love him, he loves me, I can't live without him, oh the heart break when it ends, and on and on. You get the picture and my guy friends and girl friends had some of the same experiences. It wasn't until recently with the onslaught of reality t.v. that brought relationships of friends and lovers dead center in to your living room that my girlfriends suggested I write about our relationship dilemas and successes specific to the Washington, DC area. And "Dating In DC 101" was born.

Now to the nuts and bolts of me, writing, writing, writing. As a writer, you would think that I love to read. Wrong. In the beginning I was only interested in what I had to write about. It was like therapy. But as time went on I learned that I had to read other authors' works to see what was good, bad, and the ugly of the literary world. So I started with some urban literature and some classics and took note of why some could find mainstream publishers and make the New York Times Bestsellers list and why others could not get pass self-publishing. "Urban Litereature Under Review" is a platform where we can discuss books that haven't got on the highway to mainstream publishing.

Under my Writing Series I will share excerpts form the novel I am currently working on, "Power House". It is about a magazine based out of Washington, DC that does reports on the good and the bad of the movers and shakers in our Nation's Capital. I will share excerpts from my novel with you  and welcome your feedback.

Mostly, I'm here to share, to learn, and to experience. Please join me on my ventures.
